

Each user account is assigned to one or more teams. Membership in a respective team determines the individual functions to which the user has access. In the menu Users → Users you will find a list of all user accounts created in the system.

The following information is displayed for each account:

  • User name

  • Name: The content of this field is composed of the separate fields “First name” and “Name”.

  • The most important address data of a user

  • Member of the following teams: All of the teams that the user belongs to.

  • Logins: The number of logins for a user since their creation.

  • Last login: Date of the last login.

  • Failed attempts to login: Number of consecutive failed login attempts.

  • Login expiry date: With limited time accounts, the date when the login expires will be displayed. The account can be used up until the day before expiration.

  • Suspended until: After a defined number of consecutive failed login attempts, the user account will be blocked automatically for likewise a defined period.

  • Can login? If a login has expired or it has been deactivated by “brute force” protection, then a red lamp will be displayed.

If you are missing information, open the dialog for changing the display by clicking on View and activate the desired column.

You have the following editing options:

  • By clicking on the user name, you can open the detail view of a user and for example view information on team affiliation and available rights (the information detail page lists ACL rights as well as rights to layouts).

  • By clicking on the login expiry date, you open a dialog, in which you can change the login expiry date. Members of the system administrator team can furthermore change the password expiry date or deactivate the login, i.e. block a user from accessing EFS. If blocked users try to log in, they will be asked to contact the person responsible for the EFS installation.

  • Clicking on the Send password icon opens the dialog for sending an e-mail containing a link for setting a new password.

  • You can delete user accounts that have not yet expired and are not owner of a team.

Creating user account

To create a new account, click on the Create user account button. Specify the language in which the admin area is to be shown for the new user. Enter the initial password for the new user twice. On their first login new users are automatically requested to change their password.

  • Select the team to which the new user should be added. The team affiliation defines the rights of the users.

  • Select the user’s primary team. Among other things, the primary team is always automatically granted read and write rights for projects created by this user.

  • The “Organization” field indicates to which accounting organization the new user belongs.

    • If the wrong organization is indicated, please contact the person responsible for the installation.

    • If you hold the right “orgadmin”, you can alter the accounting organization yourself.

  • Choose the expiry date of the account.

  • You can optionally select the time zone to be displayed in the “Local date” field of the left-hand menu.

  • You may store additional information in the section “Additional data”.

  • Define the next editing steps:

    • You can have the password displayed on the next page, e.g. in order to copy it to a notification mail.

    • If you wish to add more accounts afterwards, tick the corresponding checkbox: Only then will a blank “Create user account” form be opened directly.

  • Confirm by clicking on Create user account.

  • The account will be created.

The Generate password function will help you to generate a good password: When you click on the Generate a password link a randomly generated password is issued in a pop-up window. If you click on this it will automatically be transferred to the entry fields.

Account names and e-mail addresses of users must be unambiguous. In the case that an account name or an e-mail address is already being used by another user, a corresponding error message will be displayed.

Importing user accounts

If you wish to create a larger number of user accounts, you can utilize the import function. This function is located in the Users → User import menu.

  • In order to use this function, you need write rights to cr_teamaccount.

Please proceed as follows to perform the import:

reate a table in CSV format containing the staff data. For example, you can create such a table in MS Excel and then save it in CSV format. The file must have the following structure.



