

Recoding allows you to compact your survey results or to combine various individual results.

  • In EFS Reporting +, not only single response questions can be represented in recoding variables, but also multiple response situations.

  • In a survey with e.g. irregular gender distribution, weighting allows to balance the share of the underrepresented gender.

  • The recoding conditions are formulated using the condition editor that you are already familiar with from the questionnaire editor.

  • The recoding results can be displayed directly in the report, integrated in filters and split dimensions, or used in other recodes.

Overview of recode configuration

The creation of recodes is largely similar to that of filters and split dimensions. All the recodes required for the report are prepared in the sources window.

  • Click on the Create recodes icon in the toolbar. Then select the desired recode type.

  • Define the conditions in the recode editor.

  • If you wish to display recoding results in the report, simply drag the respective recodes to their desired positions in the report.

  • Recoding results often serve as the basis for further recodes, filters, or split dimensions. For this purpose, you can select the recoding variables marked “rec_” for the relevant subsequent recodes, filters, or split dimensions.

Defining recodes

As is the case with the split dimensions, there is a separate editor for recodes. You open the editor by clicking on the Create recodes icon, or by selecting an existing recode and then clicking on Edit.

  • To the left you see a list of the already existing categories.

  • Scroll over a category to display its condition and recoding variable.

  • To edit a category, simply click on it: The recoding condition of that category will be opened in the condition editor. In the input field above, you can change the label of the category.

  • Via the toolbar, you can create additional categories, delete superfluous ones, or preview the recoding results.

  • In the “Name” field of the header section, you can change the internal labels of the recodes.

  • You can change the sequence of recoding categories per Drag&Drop.

  • Once you have defined the conditions for all categories, you trigger the recoding process by clicking on Execute.

Do not click on Execute before all categories have been created and all conditions have been defined!

Recode types

In EFS Reporting +, you can realize two types of recodes: Simple recoding and Multiple recoding. Recoding for use as weighting template has been added as a third option. These templates are applied not only to means, but to frequencies, percentages, base, totals and other aggregations as well. Additionally, you have the option Top responses in open-ended answers and, under certain circumstances, the option Grouping of numbers.

You decide on the recode type to be used when creating new recodes. It is not possible to change the type at a later date.

Simple recoding

Simple recoding is the conventional recode type corresponding to a single response question.

  • The source data are transferred into a target variable with multiple categories.

  • Each participant is uniquely assigned to a single category.

  • When displaying a simple recoding in the report, the same key figures and chart types are available as for a single response question.

In the example shown, the birth years are recoded to age groups.

Multiple recoding

The new, experimantal recode type “multiple recoding” corresponds to a multiple response question.

  • The source data are transferred into multiple target variables with one corresponding recoding category each. Analog to the answer options of a multiple response question, each category has the codes “1” (“quoted”) and “0” (“not quoted”).

  • Each participant can be counted once for each category (i.e., assigned to the code “1”).

  • When displaying a multiple recoding in the report, the same key figures and chart types are available as for a multiple response question.

In the example shown, the age groups created above shall be combined with the participants’ favored holiday destinations. As the participants were able to select multiple favorite holiday destinations in the questionnaire, a multiple recoding is used, i.e., every possible combination of age group and holiday destination is mapped into its own recoding variable.


In a survey with e.g. irregular gender distribution, weighting allows to balance the share of the underrepresented gender. In EFS Reporting+, recoding is used to specify weighting templates. They are applied as follows:

  • Open the table editor of the affected question. Insert the option “Weighted mean” to the results table. Via the Edit icon, you can select the desired weighting template i.e. your recodes definition.

  • Drag & Drop can be used to place the weighting template in the appropriate branch in the structure window. Then, it is applied to all contents of the branch.

Top responses in open-ended answers

This type of recoding is especially useful, if you are aiming to retrieve a large, but limited amount of answer possibilities, or if the participants‘ answers are frequently alike. An exemplary question would be „Where in (your country) would you like to live?“. Set the three biggest cities as answer 1 - 3, all other cities will be covered for with an open-ended answer as answer 4.

Grouping of numbers

With this option, open-ended answers are grouped into segments. The option is only displayed, if you choose 141 Text field (single row) and afterwards pick the option Integer under Input format.

Configuring tables

Central to your report are the tables with the result data. EFS Reporting+ allows you to optimally adjust the structure and appearance of the tables to your needs:

  • All important general properties such as table structure, number format etc., can be configured, either for the entire report or for a particular table only.

  • You can choose from a variety of key figures and aggregations. Calculation is performed automatically.

  • You can decide for yourself if and in which calculations missing values shall be included.

  • Table-specific details such as labels or positions of answer options can be edited.

Overview of table configuration

In order to make general settings such as the table structure or number format for the entire report, use the Report Report settings menu. If you wish to apply the changes to all existing tables, save your settings by clicking on the Apply to all button (previously labelled: Save all). You can use it to remove those very elements that were added to the report with Apply to all. If you wish to change general settings such as the table structure or number format for the current table only, a click on the Settings icon in the workpad toolbar will take you to the table-specific dialog. If you wish to change a particular text or move a particular answer option within the current table, you open the table editor by clicking on the Edit icon in the workpad toolbar.

Defining the table structure

You can decide for yourself how your evaluation tables are to be structured. By default, they contain columns for code, frequencies, and percentages, with the “Total” row displayed below the various answer options. However, if necessary, you may disable certain columns or move the “Total” row above the answer options, as is usual in the Anglo-Saxon world. You will find the respective display options by following these click paths:

  • For the entire report: Menu ReportReport settings → Tab Table display → Section “Display options for tables”.

  • For individual tables: Workpad toolbarSettings → Tab Table display → Section “Display options for tables”.





Show code in tables

If this checkbox is ticked, the “Codes” column will be displayed.

Depending on the question type and situation, the display of codes may not be advisable. For example, for each answer option of multiple response questions (121, 362, 521, 522, 621, and checkbox matrix 362) there is always a corresponding variable with the code “0” “1”. You should check, therefore, whether it may be more practical to hide the codes for these question types.

Show row percentage in split dimensions

If you have inserted a “Total” column in a contingency table and this option is activated, the percentages in the “Total” column are calculated by summing up all percentages in the respective row.

If this option is deactivated, the percentages in the “Total” column show which percentage of the base falls upon the respective row.

Show columns

Via the drop-down list you can control which columns will be displayed. The following options are available:

  • Show frequencies and percentages (default)

  • Show frequencies

  • Show percentages

Only for report settings:
Always insert Total on first position

If this checkbox is ticked, the “Total” row will be inserted above the answer options and not below. This is the typical mode of display in the Anglo-Saxon world.

As this option makes sense for the entire report only, it is only available in the Report settings menu.

Displaying useful information

Information from the questionnaire editor that is helpful for understanding the evaluation, such as fill-in instructions, internal variable names, and question types, can be hidden and displayed at will.

  • For the entire report: Menu ReportReport settings → Tab Table diplay → Section “Display options”

  • For individual tables: Workpad toolbar→ Settings → Tab Table display → Section “Display options”





Show question text

The question text will be displayed.

You can edit the question text in the table editor

Show fill-in instructions

The fill-in instructions will be displayed.

You can edit the fill-in instructions in the table editor

Show base description

In standard configuration, the header sections of all tables and charts of the report will show the respective base. You can disable the display by unticking the checkbox.

If you wish to change the default labeling of the base field, you can do so in the Report → Report filter menu

Only for report settings:
Number each table in

The tables will be numbered consecutively.

As this option makes sense for the entire report only, it is only available in the Report settings menu.

Show internal variable

The internal variable names of EFS will be displayed.

Show question type

The question type will be displayed.

Hide columns without
results in split dimensions

Columns without results will not be displayed.

Adding key figures and aggregations

EFS Reporting+ provides a variety of key figures and aggregations which you can insert in your tables with only a few clicks.

  • The columns “Report” and “Table” tell you which key figures can be inserted automatically anywhere in the report and which can be defined only with respect to a specific question.

  • The column “Question types” shows the question types and recode types for which key figures are available. Whether it is practical to use these key figures depends on the actual answer options.

  • You can decide for yourself whether user-defined missing values and code “0” shall be taken into account when calculating the key figures.

You will find the functions for adding key figures here:

  • For the entire report: Menu ReportReport settings → Tab Table display → Section “Automatically added statistical values”

  • For individual tables: Workpad toolbarEdit → Bottom edit bar of the table editor.

Key figure



Question types


Key figure



Question types





Single response (111, 112, 113, 131, 132, 511, 611), matrix (311, 312, 313, 351, 361, 364, 611), semantic differential (340), scroll bar (341, 342), ranking (411), simple recoding

The sum of the frequencies or percentages of all answer options.

Hidden answer options will be included, answer options deleted from the table will not be included.

If you wish to display the “Total” above the evaluation of the individual answer options, as is common in the Anglo-Saxon world, simply use the option “Always insert “Total” on first position” in the Report settings menu.


The sum of the frequencies or percentages of all answer options and all missing value types.




Single response, matrix, simple recoding

The sum of the individual values of a data bundle, divided by their number.




Single response, matrix, simple recoding

The middle value of a data bundle ordered by size, i.e., that value below and above which there is the same number of data values.




Single response,
matrix, simple recoding

The value below which lies a specified fraction of the values in a data bundle.

  • It is stated in terms of so-called p-quantiles. The value of the p-quantile is that value which separates the lower p * 100 percent of the data values of the distribution from the upper (1-p) * 100 percent.

  • p is configurable: p must lie between “0.01” and “1”.

Example: The quantile “0.3” is that value below which there are 30 percent of all cases of a distribution.

Onesample t-test



Single response, matrix

A one-sample location test of whether the mean of a normally distributed population has a value specified in a null hypothesis.

The test value should be a floating number.

Calculation: ([Mean - test value) / Standard error




Single response, multiple response, matrix

The t-test compares the mean values of two columns in a table, variables will be interpreted as metrically scaled.

Weighted mean



Single response, matrix

In a survey with e.g. irregular gender distribution, weighting allows to balance the share of the underrepresented gender.

  • Please start by creating a recodes definition, selecting the type “Recode for use as a weighting template”.

  • Then, specify recode categories, allocating the desired weight to each category in the top line.

  • Next, open the table editor of the affected question. Insert the option “Weighted average” to the results table. Via the Edit icon, you can select the desired weighting template i.e. your recodes definition.

Top box



Single response,
matrix, simple recoding

Accumulated frequencies and percentages of the n answer options with the lowest code. The answer options with the lowest code often also have the lowest sorting numbers, which is why they are top of the list. Hence the name “top box”.

The number n of the answer options to be aggregated can be configured. n must lie between 0 and 100.

Bottom box



Single response, matrix, simple recoding

Accumulated frequencies and percentages of the n answer options with the highest code.

The number n of the answer options to be aggregated can be configured. n must lie between 0 and 100.

Standard deviation



Single response,
matrix, simple recoding

Square root of the variance of a data bundle. The variance is a measure of the average distance of the individual values from the mean. Extracting the square root yields a value of the same measuring unit as the data values, i.e., you can represent the standard deviation in a chart together with the data values, for example.

Standard error



Single response, matrix, simple recoding

The variation of the data values around the unknown “true value” in the population. The greater the standard error, the wider the confidence interval containing the “true value” with the specified probability.




Single response, matrix, mulitple response (121,
362, 521, 522, 621 and
checkbox matrix 362), simple recoding,
multiple recoding

The number of participants that have viewed the page containing the question (question base).

If you wish to display the base above the evaluation of the individual answer options, as is common in the Anglo-Saxon world, simply move the row to the topmost position

System missings (code -77)



Single response, matrix, multiple response, simple recoding, multiple recoding

Participants that have not seen the question.

If a participant has not seen a question due to filtering or premature termination, for example, the corresponding variable or variables will be automatically filled with the missing value “-77”.

Please note that you cannot insert system missings into charts. The handling of missings in charts is predefined and cannot be manipulated

Not answered (code 0)



Single response,
matrix, simple recoding

Participants that have seen, but not answered, the question.

If a participant has seen a question without answering it, the corresponding variable or variables will be filled with the missing value “0”.

When displaying participants with code “0” in the tables, please check whether these should also be included in the calculation of the total or of statistical values. You will find the respective functions in the Settings dialog on the Missings tab




Single response,
matrix, simple recoding

By default, answer options that have been marked as missing values in the questionnaire editor will not be displayed in the tables. This function allows you to display these options.

When displaying options marked as missing (e.g. “No selection”) in the tables, please check whether these
should also be included in the calculation of the total or of statistical values. You will find the respective functions in the Settings dialog on the Missings tab

Userdefined calculation



Single response,

If you select this option, an editor is opened which is designed quite analog to the familiar admin area condition editor. By combining the following elements, you can specify calculations:

  • Reference / Number: Answer options of the current question, integers (positive and negative) or floating numbers (the decimal separator of the currently-selected interface language is used, i.e. engl = 1.1; de = 1,1).

  • Operations: + addition, - subtraction, * multiplication, /

  • Brackets

Inside title



Single response,
matrix, multiple
response, simple recoding, multiple recoding

Manually created inside titles which may be used to organize a list of answer options, for example.

Please note: Inside titles or group items created in the source question in the questionnaire editor will not be included in the reports.




Multiple response, multiple recoding

Net participation.

The net participation indicates how many participants have answered a multiple response question, or particular answer options of that question, respectively. Thus, the aggregation shows how many participants have selected at least one answer, and not how many answers have been selected how many times altogether.

Optionally, you can aggregate several related answer options and then have the net participation calculated for this particular aggregation. For each aggregation, the participants will be counted only once

Controlling the inclusion of missings

You can decide for yourself whether missing values shall be included in the calculation of the total or other key figures. You will find the respective options by following these click paths:

  • For the entire report: Menu ReportReport settings → Tab Missings

  • For individual tables: Workpad toolbar → Settings → Tab Missings





User-defined missings
are included in the
calculation of “Total”

By default, answer options that have been marked as missing values in
the questionnaire editor will not be included in the calculation of the total
number. They will be included if you tick this checkbox.

User-defined missings are included in the calculation of statistical values

By default, answer options that have been marked as missing values in the questionnaire editor will not be included in the calculation of statistical values. They will be included if you tick this checkbox.

Participants “Not answered” (code 0) are included in the calculation of “Total”

By default, participants that have seen a question without answering it (code “0”) will not be included in the calculation of the total number. They will be included if you tick this checkbox.

If a participant has seen a question without answering it, the
corresponding variable or variables will be filled with the missing value “0”.

Participants “Not
answered” (code 0) are included in the calculation of statistical values

By default, participants that have seen a question without answering it (code “0”) will not be included in the calculation of statistical values. They will be included if you tick this checkbox.


Please note that the Missings tab is not available for charts. The handling of missings in charts is predefined and cannot be manipulated

Formatting numbers

You can decide for yourself how to format the numbers in your tables. You will find the formatting options by following these click paths:

  • For the entire report: Menu ReportReport settings → Tab Numerary

  • For individual tables: Workpad toolbarSettings → Tab Numerary






Available are frequencies, percentages, and all key figures and aggregations from table 9.3 where the use of decimal places makes sense.

Number of decimal places

Numbers may have either no decimal place or up to ten decimal places.

Decimal separator

Definition of the decimal separator. Possible formats:

  • Comma

  • Period


Possible settings:

  • Normal rounding: If the first digit in the first decimal place to be eliminated is a 4 or less, the number will be rounded down (21.1 → 21). If the first digit in the first decimal place to be eliminated is a 5 or greater, the number will be rounded up (21.7 → 22).

  • Round up: Numbers are always rounded up. Thus, if all decimal places are to be eliminated, the number will be rounded up to the next higher integer (21.1 → 22). If decimal places are desired, then all values after
    the last desired decimal place will be ignored, and the number will be rounded up to the next higher integer (21.71 → 22).

  • Round down: Numbers are always rounded down. Thus, if all decimal places are to be eliminated, the number will be rounded down to the next lower integer (21.1 → 21). If decimalplaces are desired, then all
    values after the last desired decimal place will be ignored (21.71 → 21).

Thousand separator

Definition of the thousand separator.

Possible formats:

  • No separator

  • Comma

  • Point

  • Space

  • Apostrophe

Changing texts

The texts used in tables and charts can be changed as desired. Follow this click path:

  • Workpad toolbarEdit.

  • You can change the labeling of the base in the ReportReport filter menu.

Changing codes

Codes can be changed as desired. To do so, you only need to change the values in the “Code” column of the table editor. Thus, an integral, positive scale can be modified to be centered around the zero point. To open the table editor, follow this click path: Workpad toolbarEdit.

Re-sorting answer options

By default, the answer options in tables and charts are sorted in the order of the questionnaire editor (“number”). If necessary, however, you may re-sort the answers. To do so, follow this click path: Workpad toolbarSettingsTab Table display → Section “Sort”.






Answers may be sorted by the following criteria:

  • Answer option: the text of the answer option.

  • Code. Please note: Depending on the question type and situation, the sorting by codes may not be advisable. For example, for each answer option of multiple response questions (121, 362, 521, 522, 621, and checkbox matrix 362) there is always a corresponding variable with the code “0” or “1”. Especially for multiple response questions you should therefore choose a more appropriate criterion.

  • Frequency

  • Number in EFS: the position defined in the questionnaire editor (“number”).


The following options are available:

  • Ascending

  • Descending


Modifying individual answer options

Apart from being re-sorted, answer options and scale dimensions may also be declared as missing retroactively (from EFS 10.1), moved to another position, hidden or deleted altogether.

  • Path:

Workpad toolbarEdit





Changing the order

Use the mouse pointer to drag the answer option to its desired position. When the green bar lights up, you can drop the answer option.

Convert to user-defined missing

This feature allows to mark an answer option as missing value

Hiding / showing an
answer option

The answer option will be hidden but included in calculations. If you click on Show, the answer option will be displayed again.

Locking / unlocking

If you wish to exclude any particular answer option from being re-sorted, you can simply lock it.

This is useful, for example, if the positions of any particular answer options (“No answer”) or key figures (“Total number n”) shall remain unchanged when sorting.

Deleting an answer option

The answer option will be deleted from the table completely. It will no longer be included in any calculations.

Please note: This action cannot be undone. If you inadvertently delete an answer option, the table must be created anew.



The z-test pairs columns in each row in order to compare whether or not column portions are equal. This test works with categorial variables only (numeric variables will be interpreted as categorial).

The z-test is accessible from the Report properties and can be activated in the Significance menu. Open a split dimension, then go to report settings → Significance menu from where you can activate and set the z-test (and if you wish, a second one).

Further settings are available:

Enable low-base warning

  • Set the base which will trigger a warning message if level is not matched. This might prove useful to when checking whether groupings do not meet the sizerequirements for significance testing.

Bonferroni P-value correction for t-test and z-test

  • Check this option if you need to manually adjust the p-values of individual column comparisons downwards in order to have the final results of the test appear more realistic according to the alpha error accumulation in multiple comparisons. This will be performed according to Bonferroni.

The split dimension contains multiple-choice categories

  • This mode applies if the split dimension‘s categories consist of variables of the question type 121 as this question type bears the risk that one participant might be allocated to several categories. Activating this option will let the test consider overlapping of case numbers and calculate accordingly.

The significance determined through the z-test will be displayed in a contingency table.


The t-test compares the mean values of two adjacent columns. The variables will be interpreted as metrically scaled.

The t-test is accessible from the Table editor. Create a split dimension and open it through a double click within the structure. You can now create a t-test by selecting it from the drop down menu.

The significance determined through the t-test will be displayed below the contingency table.

The example employs a split dimension based on the sex of the participants. The salary grade is listed in ascending order (higher numbers mean higher salary grades). This category is interpreted as a metric variable by the t-test.

The t-test is delivering the following conclusion: The average pay grade in men is significantly higher than it is in women. However, this is only the case in a significance level of 95%. With a significance level of 99.99% this contrast is not apparent.

Creating charts

Charts help you visualize the central findings of your evaluation. EFS Reporting+ offers you a large variety of options:

  • The most popular chart types are available in several versions

  • Important chart properties such as color scheme, legend, etc. can be customized

  • All the general settings that you already know from the tables, such as number format or display of additional information, are also available for charts.

Overview of chart configuration

The creating and configuring of charts is largely similar to that of the already familiar tables.

  • you can specify beforehand if you want the results to be displayed in charts instead of tables per default, and if yes which chart type should be used for which question type. Furthermore, you can define your own color scheme for the report. All related functions are located in the Report->Report settings menu on the Chart tab.

  • To convert a specific table into a chart, you open the Charts menu in the workpad toolbar and select the desired chart type.

  • If you wish to enlarge a chart, e.g. to check the values or the legend, all you need to do is to double-click on the chart: It will then be opened in an additional window.

  • All chart-specific setting options, such as color schemes or the display of legends, are combined in the ChartsChart settings menu.

  • General settings such as the number format or the display of additional information are made via the dialogs already familiar from the tables, either for the entire report (Report Report settings → tab Table display) or for a specific chart (Settings icon of the workpad toolbar), as required. The only exception is the Missings tab, which is not available for charts: The handling of missings in charts is predefined, see the info box below.

  • If you wish to change texts or the sorting order of answer options, you open the equally familiar table editor by clicking on the Edit icon of the workpad toolbar.

  • Significance: a z-test and a t-test have been added for significance testing.

Chart types

EFS Reporting+ supports the following chart types:

  • Simple bar and column charts: These charts are used to represent frequency distributions.

  • Stacked bar and column charts: These charts allow you to compare partial and total frequencies for different dimensions.

  • Stacked bar and column charts (100 %): The maximum length or height of the bars and columns, respectively, is 100 %. This concise form of representation makes it easier to compare several questions using identical rating scales.

  • Pie charts: Pie charts are used when frequencies can be added up to a meaningful total sum that equals 100 %.

  • Line charts: This chart type is used to represent the results of several waves or progressions over time.

  • Radar charts: These charts, who are also called “Spider Web” charts, are used to visualize matrix questions. Please mind: radar charts are currently not supported yet for contingency tables.

  • Diplaying the results of the question types 141, 142, and 143 (open-ended answers) in the form of a word cloud. If this type of display is selected in the workpad, more frequently given responses will be displayed in bigger font size and bolder colors than less frequent responses.

Word cloud

The word cloud will let you display responses in a visual form. More frequently given responses will be displayed in bigger font size and bolder colors than less frequent responses.

  • Select an element of the type “open-ended answers“. The question selected will be displayed in the workpad.

  • Select the word cloud option from the workpad as displayed above. Your results will now be displayed in the form of a word cloud.

You may configure the word cloud within the Table settings to meet your requirements. Select a different font type or size or change the default color into another. The Advanced options will let you set a specific language or whether the language should be recognized automatically. When selecting a language, the system will automatically run your results by a predefined stopword list. Activate the Stemming option to summarize words of the same origin.

Assigning chart types to question types

Not every question type can be represented in a meaningful way by every chart type. For your convenience, EFS Reporting+ will only offer you the chart types that suit the respective question type. The following table shows which chart type may be used for which question type.

Question type

Chart type

Question type

Chart type

Single response (111, 112, 113, 131, 132, 511, 611)

Bar chart, stacked bars, stacked bars (100 %), column chart, stacked columns, stacked columns (100 %), pie chart, line chart

Multiple response (121, 362, 521, 522, 621 and
checkbox matrix 362)

Bar chart, stacked bars, column chart, stacked columns, line chart

Matrix (311, 312, 313, 351, 361, 364, 611, semantic differential 340, scroll bar 341, 342, ranking 411)

Bar chart, stacked bars, stacked bars (100 %), column chart, stacked columns, stacked columns (100 %), line chart, radar chart

Open-ended question
types (141, 142, 143)

Word cloud

Contingency tables

Column chart, stacked columns, stacked columns (100 %), from EFS 9.1 line chart

Simple recoding

Bar chart, stacked bars, stacked bars (100 %), column chart, stacked columns, stacked columns (100 %), pie chart, line chart

Multiple recoding

Bar chart, stacked bars, column chart, stacked columns, line chart


Specifying chart settings for the report

You can configure the most important chart settings for the whole report:

  • It is up to you to decide if you want to present your results as usual in tables, or if you prefer charts in principle.

  • For each question type group and for the crossbreak dimensions of contingency tables, you can define the default chart type.

  • A default color scheme can be specified.

  • You can create your own user-defined color scheme.

All related functions are located in the menu ReportReport settings → Chart tab.

  • If you wish to apply the changes only to elements which are newly added to the report structure, please use the Save button.

  • If you wish to apply the changes to all existing structure elements as well, save your settings by clicking on the Apply to all button.





Create charts instead of tables by default

Usually, in EFS Reporting+, results are displayed in tables unless specified otherwise. Use this option to change the standard behavior.

Default color scheme

The selected color scheme is used in all new charts.

Default chart types

Use the drop-down lists to match each question type group and split dimension with the most appropriate chart type.

Custom color scheme

Use the color picker to create your own color scheme.

For each report, you can define one user-defined color scheme.

Making chart-specific settings

You can edit the key properties of charts such as the colors and units (frequencies or percentages) to be used. You can also display or hide additional information such as legends, as required.

You will find the corresponding setting options by following the click path shown in figure 10.2 above: Workpad toolbar → Charts → Chart settings.





Chart type

Chart types may be changed using the drop-down list.

Color scheme

There are various color combinations available.

More color combinations are available. Furthermore, it is possible to create a user-defined color scheme.

The color schemes cannot be edited, the sequence of
color gradients is fixed. However, you can use the colors to emphasize the relevance of particular answer options, i.e., by displaying a negative answer option in red. Simply order the answer options in the table editor in such a way that they match the desired colors.

Show values in charts

The bars, segments, etc. of a chart are labeled with the corresponding values. Whether the chart will show frequencies or percentages is specified in the section “values of the chart”.

Show legend

A legend listing all answer options along with their respective colors will be displayed next to the actual chart.

Values of the chart

Charts can be labeled either with frequencies or with percentages.

  • If you deactivate “Limit scale to 100%“, the width resp.height of the scale depends on the values displayed.

  • The combination “Percentage“ and “Limit scale to
    100%“ is preselected. The standardized form of representation makes it easier to compare several questions. (For the chart types which are fixed to 100 %, activating this option is not necessary, of course.)

  • The chart types Stacked bars and columns (100%) can only be labeled with percentages. For these chart types, activating the “Limit scale to 100%“ option is not necessary, of course.

Creating reports for multilingual questionnaires

EFS Reporting+ provides enhanced support for multilingual projects. From now on, if you want to create report versions with identical content and structure, but text elements from various languages, it is sufficient to create a single report.

  • Via Report → Language, you can switch between the default language of your questionnaire and the language you selected when creating the report. If you selected the All languages option when creating the report, all languages that were created for the questionnaire are available for selection under Report → Language. The content of structure window and workpad is reloaded automatically, containing the text elements for the selected language. The labels in the sources window are not affected by the switch.

  • Initially, the original text elements from the questionnaire are inserted. If you change texts in EFS Reporting+, e.g. via the table editor, they are stored and kept in the background when you switch to another language.

  • When exporting, you can select the language whose text elements are to be inserted.

  • If you insert key figures and aggregations, you can modify the labels in the various language versions.

  • Please mind that standard texts as e.g. the table headers for “Answer option” and “Code” can only be displayed either in English or in German. During the creation of the report, they are automatically preset in the current admin area language, or in English if you‘re using Finnish, French, Italian, Norwegian or Swedish, and cannot be modified or translated retroactively.

  • As in the questionnaire itself and the EFS admin area, all frequently-used languages are supported. In charts, in particular, texts from all frequently-used literary languages can be displayed . Until EFS 8.2, chinese character or other complex languages were not available for chart legends and chart labels.

Creating and distributing reports

Once the report is completed, you can generate an export file which can be downloaded for presentation purposes or to be forwarded to your clients.

  • At the beginning of the exported report file, you can find an automaticallycompiled overview. It covers author, field period, total sample, net participation and the number of completed interviews (disposition codes 31, 32).

  • Available file formats are HTML, XLS, PPT, and PDF. In EFS 10.6, new PPTX- and PDF exports have been added.

  • If your clients use EFS Survey Status, you can make your report available with only a few clicks.

  • Report generation is a resource-intensive process. In order to ensure good installation performance, it is organized by means of queues. As soon as the generation of your report is completed, you will be notified via e-mail.

  • It is possible to update the generated report files automatically. This is useful, for example, if you want to offer regularly-updated fresh results for download on EFS Survey Status. If automated updating is activated, the e-mail notification mentioned above will not be dispatched.

  • Up to three files per report may be left in the admin area, so that other staff members may download them as well, for example. Before generating further versions you will have to delete one of the existing files.

Overview of the export functions

The export functions of EFS Reporting+ are located in the Report Export menu. The following figure shows all relevant functions.

  • The upper part of the dialog contains the form for generating completed report files.

  • The list below contains all completed report files. It lists their name, file type, language, and date of creation.

  • Status icons indicate whether a file has been generated successfully.

  • Access to the report files in EFS Survey Status is controlled via the checkboxes in the “Publish” column.

  • In order to edit a file, click on the corresponding icon in the “Actions” column:

    • Automatic export update: If necessary, the content of the file can be updated automatically in regular intervals. Dialog and function are designed similar to the automated updating of report data.

    • Preview: This icon is only available for HTML reports. It allows you to view the contents directly without first downloading the file.

    • Only in case of generation problems: Refresh: Click on this icon to restart thegeneration process.

    • Download: Click on this icon to start downloading the file to your personal computer.

    • Only if the “Publish” checkbox is ticked: Rights: Click on this icon to open the dialog for assigning object rights.

    • Delete: Click on this icon to delete a file that is no longer needed. As only a limited number of files can be kept available in the admin area, we recommend that you delete any files that are no longer needed. Please note, however, that any files that are supposed to be available in EFS Survey Status must be stored in the admin area.

Generating and downloading report files

In order to generate and download a report file, please proceed as follows:

  • Make sure that your report contains the latest data. Otherwise, you can start an update in the Extras → Data update menu.

  • Open the menu ReportExport. In the upper half of the dialog you will find the form for creating completed report files.

  • Enter the name of your new report file.

  • Select the file format.

  • In the case of a multilingual questinnaire, please ensure that the proper language is selected. The language which is currently activated for the report is highlighted in the drop-down list.

  • Confirm by clicking on Generate.

  • The report file will be generated. The generation process may take a few minutes: Meanwhile, you can close the window and continue working elsewhere. As soon as the generation of your report is completed, you will be notified via e-mail.

  • Click on the Download icon to download the file.

Available file formats

The following table tells you which file formats are available in principle and when to use them. Which formats are activated on the installation you are using, depends on the solution you have selected. If you have questions, please get in touch with our support. Exports in Excel, PowerPoint and PDF are included in the standard scope of functionality. Please mind that the scope of functionality available in context of the Unipark program remains restricted.

File format



File format



HTML (website)

HTML editor

This format is particularly suited for online presentations, for example, in the Internet or intranet.

XLS (MS Excel 2003)


If necessary, you can edit this file in MS Excel.

Please note:

  • The numbers in tables will be formatted as numbers in the Excel export.

  • Excel does not adopt the EFS chart settings but applies its own default settings instead. I.e. the legend is usually activated, the values are hidden and Excel’s default colors are used.

PPT (MS Power Point 2003)


If necessary, you can edit these files in MS Power Point.

Two versions are available:

  • PPT Default: TIVIAN Default layout.

  • PPT Unbranded: Clear, structured layout with white background to which you can apply your company’s CI PPT templates.

The creation of additional templates requires special programming, i.e. it is not free of charge.

PDF (Portable Document


PDF reports will be generated on the basis of a PPT report. The PDF files are well-suited for direct forwarding to clients.

Two versions are available:

  • PDF Default

  • PDF Unbranded

The creation of additional templates requires special programming, i.e. it is not free of charge.



File in PPTX format.

  • This export includes fully editable, native Power-Point charts.

  • Optionally, the templates are customizable to a company’s CI by TIVIAN Professional Services



PDF export based on the new PPTX template

The generation process

When generating a report, the statistical values will be updated once again. If you were working with test data, the real data will be inserted automatically and the statistical values will be calculated. Afterwards, the completed report will be converted into a file of the desired format.

This is a resource-intensive process. To ensure a good performance of the installation, it will be executed as follows:

  • If it is only one report, it will be generated instantly.

  • If several generation processes are initiated at the same time - if either you or several different users wish to generate different reports - then these generation requests will be placed in a queue and processed successively.

  • As soon as the generation of your report is completed, you will be notified via email.

Making reports available in EFS Survey Status

If you use EFS Survey Status to provide your clients with up-to-date information on your projects, you can make your completed reports available right there.

  • For those report files that you want to put up in EFS Survey Status, tick the “Publish” checkbox in the overview.

  • Click on the Rights icon to open the dialog for setting the object rights for a particular report. Assign read rights to all staff teams you want to be able to access the report and confirm by clicking on Save.

  • Make sure that these teams also have read rights to the ACL right “reportlist”, i.e., that they have general access to the menu List of reports in EFS Survey Status.

  • Please note that any files that are supposed to be available in EFS Survey Status must be stored in the admin area.

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