Survey Options (Table Overview)
General Options
Section | Description |
Privacy assistant | By activating this function you can ensure GDPR-compliant data processing and survey execution. |
Log changes to questionnaire | If this option has been ticked, all changes to the questionnaire for which variables were added or removed will be documented. |
The questions are numbered consecutively | This feature leads to an automatic consecutive numbering of questions 1 to n. Question type 998 (Text and HTML code), 911, filters and rotation on page level will not be taken into consideration. |
Prevent modification of already given answers when participants use browser functions to go back in the questionnaire | If participants use browser functions (e.g. Browser Back or History) to go backwards in the questionnaire and try to change already-given answers, the new entries will not be saved. Instead the existing entries will be kept. Please note that the function cannot be combined with a displayed Back button: If the Back button is displayed, the respondent expects with due right that a subsequent change of the values is possible. |
Radio buttons for questions with a single response list can be deselected | This feature works only if JavaScript is enabled. |
Preventing usage of the right mouse button in a survey | This feature is primarily used to protect content: It deactivates the context menu in the entire questionnaire. Please mind:
The feature can also be used to prevent the usage of the browser’s Back button. For this the survey must be opened in a pop-up window, so that there is no menu bar. |
Page is submitted automatically | The respondent does not need to click on the Submit button on pages which only contain the specified combinations of question types. |
Should a Back button be displayed? | If this option has been activated, a real Back button will be shown which does not depend on the browser used by the respondent. |
Type of codes which will be generated | This function is only visible for personalized projects. |
Enable data cleaning | Activates automatic data cleaning. If a respondent uses the “Back” button in the questionnaire or that of the browser while completing a questionnaire, they is possible that they will pass the same filter question more than once, giving different answers and then being routed into another filter branch, where they will answer different questions. Example: Somebody answers the question whether they drive a car with “Yes” and is subsequently asked all car-related questions. Then, they go back in the questionnaire and state they do not drive a car. A filter lets them skip all car-related questions now. When the respondent completes the survey, they will have stated they do not drive a car. Nonetheless, all car-related variables will contain values. In the past, such irrelevant data had to be manually cleaned from the result data. With the “Data cleaning” function, this cleaning process has been automated. Please note:
For all possible answers of the type “answer option + text”, completeness checks (DACs) | In the standard configuration, answer categories of the “answer option + text” type are only checked to verify whether the respondent has clicked on a radio button or a checkbox. However, you have the option of configuring the DAC in such a way that the respondent must select the answer option containing the text field and fill in the text field. |
Name of ticket variable (external survey start) | Option for changing the name of the Get parameter used for the external survey start. |
Name of ticket variable (when returning from an external survey) | Option for changing the name of the Get parameter transferred upon returning from an external survey. |
Check whether the respondents have Java-Script activated, whether the Adobe Flash Player | This option must be activated if you want the survey variables “javascript”, “flash” and the device type to be filled. |
Detect participants' location using the IP address | If you activate this function, the available location variables (participant_continent, participant_country, participant_city, participant_region, participant_latitude, and participant_longitud), will be used. The metadata about the locations of the survey participants will be stored in this variables. |
Detect participants' device type using the user-agent information | If you activate this function, the available device variables (participant_os, participant_device, participant_brand, participant_model, and participant_isbot), will be used. The metadata for the used devices of the survey participants will be stored in this variables. |
All panelists can participate in the survey (independent from being in a sample for the survey) | This option is only available for master data and panel Apart from the automatically generated sample, you cannot set up any further samples for master data surveys. |
Maximum number of respondents active at the same time | You can set an upper limit of simultaneously active respondents. Participants with the disposition code 20, 21 and 23 are active survey participants. Participants who have finished the survey (or have not been active for more than five minutes) are no longer active survey participants. Every 90 seconds, the software checks whether the upper limit has been exceeded. If this is the case, possible participants are rejected until the number of participants falls below the upper limit again, i.e. at least 90 seconds.
The limit however can only undercut an eventual installation-wide setting for the maximum number of participants per project, it cannot bypass it. |
Behavior on resumption | Used to control the routing of the survey on resumption. The following options are available:
By default the setting is “Display page last sent”. |
Determine participant hostnames and IP addresses and store them in survey results | This option is used to activate the determination and storage of hostnames and IP addresses.
Please note: Certain network constellations may allow only restricted determination and storage of hostnames and IP addresses. Please note the corresponding information and check the functionality before taking the project into the field. |
Accounting organization | Indicates to which client the project belongs and is used for billing purposes (i.e., interviews conducted within this project are booked to the given organisation). If the wrong organization is indicated, please contact the person responsible for the installation. If you hold the right “orgadmin”, you can alter the accounting organization in the Project properties menu. |
Mail template for automatic reminders | If you use automated dispatch of reminders, the appropriate mail template is selected in this field. |
Show cookie policy | Determines whether or not your company‘s cookie policy will be displayed during survey participations. Any texts necessary must be added in the Survey messages. |
Select whether a header with X-Frame-Options should be sent to the client | Today, almost any browser makes it possible for web applications to sent a HTTP header „X-Frame-Options“ which declares to the browser if a certain website is allowed to be shown in a frame or not. Possible value options are:
By default this header is not sent. “Deny" denies the display of pages in all frames, regardless of their domain. With "Same domain" pages are only displayed in frames whose parent page belongs to the same domain. Please note that the behavior depends on the client browser used. If you want to prevent XSS you can set the option to "Deny" (very strict) or to "Same domain" (then you can embed the survey in frames on the same page as e.g. the panel website or portals). |
Internal Organization
Section | Brief description |
Show to-do marker in the questionnaire editor | Enables the entry of to-do notes in the questionnaire view. |
Debug console and links to the questionnaire editor | Displays debug info icon in the toolbar and direct links to page and question view in the questionnaire for testing purposes. For question type 911, the links are not available. |
To-do marker in the survey | Ticking this checkbox will show the to-do marker icon in the toolbar and you can directly enter to-do notes from the questionnaire. |
Pretest comments in the survey | Ticking this checkbox will show the pretest icon in the toolbar, allowing testers to enter their comments. |
Boss button and page selection in the survey | The boss button in the toolbar allows you to skip plausibility and completeness checks. The drop-down list in the toolbar makes it possible to navigate directly to specific questionnaire pages. |
Language selection in the survey | In multilingual projects this drop-down list in the toolbar makes it possible to switch directly into another language. |
Links to EFS Translator Interface | In the questionnaire and in the preview, links are activated which enable you, your testers and translators (depending of access rights) to jump directly into the respective editing pages of the Language editor or EFS Translator Interface. |
Algorithm for creating the external variable names | The external variable names can be uniformly labeled according to a predefined pattern. |
Login Options
Project type | Login type | Description |
Personalized survey | E-mail and password | Participants receive a link and a password - usually via e-mail. Clicking on this link will open a login window, into which the respondents must enter their e-mail address and password. |
Code | A code is a personalized survey password which is attached to a link. Clicking on the link will take the respondent directly to the survey, bypassing the login window (if the code is valid). | |
Password | For this login procedure, respondents must enter their password into a login form. | |
Anonymous survey | No restriction of access | Respondents click on a link |
IP | The so-called referrer, an IP address which specifies the IP address last visited by the respondent, is checked. This login option ensures that the respondent is actually being referred from the website you wish to evaluate and has not found out about the survey from other sources. Please note: Certain network constellations may allow only | |
Password | The password specified here is a password shared by all participants of the survey. Any participant who has the password can participate in the survey (even more than once). | |
Panel survey, Master data survey | Sample | Panel and master data survey based on a drawn sample. Respondents usually receive the link to the survey on their personal homepage after logging in. Alternatively, a URL, such as can be used, and #code# will be replaced with a personalized access code by the mail dispatch tool. |
Data Types
Type | Data types | Explanation | Size |
Big integer | bigint | Big whole numbers | Threshold values:
(19 characters) |
Short text | text | Strings of numbers and letters with variable length | max. 255 characters |
Integer or floating point numbers | float | A whole number or floating point number. | 10 characters |
Field | Meaning |
RelevantID authentication code | Authentication code of the installation. If you have ordered the feature, yet no value has been set, please get in touch with your sales contact. |
Activate RelevantID verification for this survey | This checkbox must be ticked to activate the check for the current project. |
Survey variable for saving the result of the geo IP validation | Select a user-defined variable. The variable must be of the “Integer” data type. |
Survey variable for saving the confidence value | Select a user-defined variable. The variable must be of the “Integer” data type. |
Save additional optional variable in | The following information can optionally be stored in user-defined variables as well:
Scope of geo IP verification | The desired scope: You may select either country, region, or city. |
Allowed geo IP values for participants | International codes of the countries, regions, or cities from which participants are to be admitted.
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