Project Information (Table Overview)

Setting Options

The table provides an overview on the setting options in the interface and additional parameters in the code.






Width of pop-up window in pixels


Height of pop-up window in pixels

Position of popupwindow on the screen

Available options:

  • Centered (default setting)

  • Left upper corner of screen


Pop-up window property

  • Value ā€œyesā€: Window has own toolbar.

  • Value ā€œnoā€: Window has no toolbar.

Preset is ā€œnoā€


Pop-up window property

  • Value ā€œyesā€: Window has own address line.

  • Value ā€œnoā€: Window has no address line

Preset is ā€œnoā€,


Pop-up window property

  • Value ā€œyesā€: Window has own status line.

  • Value ā€œnoā€: Window has no status line.

Preset is ā€œnoā€,


Pop-up window property

  • Value ā€œyesā€: Window has scroll bars.

  • Value ā€œnoā€: User cannot scroll in window.

Preset is ā€œnoā€


Pop-up window property

  • Value ā€œyesā€: User can resize window.

  • Value ā€œnoā€: User cannot resize window.

Preset is ā€œnoā€



The table provides an overview on the actions can be used in macros.







Activate autosubmit


This action activates autosubmitting for single response questions.

Activate / deactivate
data cleaning


This action activates or deactivates automatic data cleaning during the survey.

Activate graphical form elements


This action activates graphical form elements.

Apply data cleaning


This action applies data cleaning to the survey data.

Apply predefined survey messages


This action allows to import a predefined set of survey messages.

Change project field period


This action allows you to change the field period of the project. You can either specify a fixed date or select relative times that refer to the next weeks, the current month or the current year.

Change project status


set_project_status This action allows you to change the project status. This permits automation of the process of ending or activating the project.

Compile survey


This action generates a new survey. It is identical to the Compile menu item. You can choose whether result data are to be deleted while generating the survey.

Create blank pages in the questionnaire


With this action you can create several blank pages at once in the questionnaire. Optionally, it is possible to create one filter per blank page, indenting the pages automatically below the filters.

Create dynamic block


With this action you can insert a dynamic block into the questionnaire, i.e. a random selection of pages, a random sequence or a loop. The subpages can be created automatically.

Data export


This action allows you to export result or address data from the current project. Setting the file type as well as further export options possible.

The action is available for anonymous and personalized projects.

Delete all plausibility checks


This action will delete all plausibility checks in the selected project.

Delete all pretest comments


This action deletes all pretest comments of the current project.

Delete all type checks


This action will delete all type checks that have been defined in the project's questionnaire. The questions will not be deleted.

Enable advanced completeness checks


With this action you can configure all completeness checks (DACs) in the survey to check for every answer category of type "answer option + text" if the related text field has also been filled in by the respondent.

Enable/disable debugging features in the survey


This option activates or deactivates the debug features that can be used in a survey.

Enable deselectable radio buttons


With this action you can configure all radio buttons in all single response questions of the survey to be deselectable. That means answers in single response questions can be deselected again by clicking the selected radio button again. This feature will only work for participants that have JavaScript enabled.

Export participant codes


This action allows you to export participant codes and disposition codes from the current project into a CSV file. You can select the disposition codes for which the participant codes will be exported. The #PID# wildcard in the file name will be replaced with the current project ID.

Export pretest comments


This action exports all pretest comments of the survey into a Microsoft Excel file.

Export questionnaire as XML file


This action exports the questionnaire as an XML file. You can select which subdirectories of the project directory will be exported. The #PID# wildcard in the file name will be replaced with the current project ID.

Import participant codes


This action allows you to import participant codes from a file into participant administration. Each row of the file is interpreted as one code. Therefore, the file should not contain a header. A participant is created for each code. The remaining participant data (e.g. name, password) are set automatically

Import participants


This action allows you to import participants from a CSV file into participant administration. The first row of the CSV file must contain the column headings. Based on the column headings, an automatic assignment to the participant data saved in participant administration is performed. Columns that have not been recognized are skipped. The following column names can be used: u_account, u_passwd, u_firstname, u_name, u_street, u_zip, u_city, u_phone, u_email, u_www, u_address, u_country, u_other_id.

Import wildcards


This action allows you to import wildcards from another project.

Load layout template


This action allows you to copy an existing layout into the current survey.

Run quality correction


This action performs quality correction in the current project. It is identical to the function available under Statistics ā†’ Quality correction.

Save codebook as .mht file


This action saves the codebook of the current project as an .mht file. The function internally selects theĀ Codebook menu item and saves its output. The codebook display options can be configured here. In the file name, the #PID# wildcard will be replaced with the current project ID.

Save online statistics as .mht file


This action saves the online statistics of the current project as an .mht file. The function internally selects the Online statistics menu item and saves its output. The #PID# wildcard in the file name will be replaced with the ID of the current project.

Save open-ended answers as .mht file


This action saves the Open-ended answers of the current project as an .mht file. The function internally selects the Open-ended answers menu item and saves its output. The #PID# wildcard in the file name will be replaced with the ID of the current project.

Save questionnaire as .mht file


This action allows you to save the questionnaire as an .mht file. The function internally selects the Print version menu item and saves its output. In the file name, the #PID# wildcard will automatically be replaced with the project ID.


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