EFS Release Spring 2017
English | Deutsch
New page moduleĀ Reports
The newĀ ReportsĀ page module enables the display of reports which are released or requested for a certain user. The source of these reports are corresponding ES projects on the installation. The user will be informed about the availability of new reports in the notification center of Portals.
Import / export of portal languages
User-defined translations for standard phrases of a portal can now be exported and imported. This way, youāll be able to export your data, send them to a translation agency for example and import the translated data into the system later.
Layout limitation for page modules
When configuring pages in the admin area of a portal, certain modules will only be available for specifically adapted layouts.
This way, misconfigurations can be avoided. Furthermore, modules are always being displayed in the optimal view.
New indication of changes to pages in Portals admin area
To prevent admins from forgetting to publish changes after editing pages, we built an eye-catching header, which suggests the publication of a changed page.
New user icon forĀ moderator
A crown at the user icon now marks portal users asĀ moderator. A corresponding quick info additionally indicates a user asĀ moderatorĀ by mouseover.
Rearrangement of tabĀ Contents
The tabulation of the discussion board of the tabĀ ContentsĀ within the Portals admin area has been optimized and adapted to the design of the other tabs. Besides, the content of the tabĀ ClassificationsĀ can be found on the tabĀ ContentsĀ from now on.
Action Planner enhancements
MyTasks Action Planner module for Portals
In Portals you can add theĀ MyTasksĀ page module. With this new page module, you can create, view and edit actions. Heading, the target ES project and the number of actions can be defined in the Portals admin area. You can restrict all users from creating actions on their own by unchecking the provided option.
Based on a new filtering area with several new filters, the list of alerts can now also be sorted by name, date of creation, due date and status.
When creating a new action, the unit and responsible person picker are dependent. Select a unit first to load a list of responsible persons for that unit. If more than 10 units or responsible persons are visible, the select box becomes a filtering list. Saving is not available until all required fields are filled.
In detail view,Ā commentingĀ and aĀ history logĀ are now available. Comments can contain text, images or videos. The history log shows all modifications to the action.
All Action Planner variables can now be shown in theĀ MyTasksĀ page module of Portals.
To hide variables in the Portals module, go to the variable editor and change the property āShow the content of this variableā to ānoā.
The Portals module requests the order of manually created variables in the variable editor.
Changes to actions
All actions now have aĀ history log. The history log stores all modifications to the action. The information stored in the history log is only viewable through the PortalsĀ MyTasksĀ module.
All actions now have aĀ created date (ac_created)Ā and an internal variableĀ (ac_source), which stores information on which functionality created the action. When creating a custom action planner variable, the endingĀ ac_Ā is used.
An action can now be assigned to a specific Org-Processor user of a unit in new ES projects. The variableĀ ac_response_idĀ will be used to contain the userās id, andĀ ac_responseĀ will be filled with the name of that user for backward-compatibility.
In existing projects the functionality remains as is.
Action Planner variable editor
The variables storing information on an action are user-manageable now. The action planner variable editor is available inĀ Org Processor > Configuration > Action Planner Configuration > Action Planner variables. This menu is available to users with the access rightĀ ac_variable_editor.
Action Trigger
This trigger creates a new action in the target ES project. A range of conditions and settings defines if an action is created and what content is stored in the action.
The target unit for an action needs to be provided in a variable of the originating survey. If a unit cannot be found, a survey runtime error is thrown and the surveys error notification recipients will be notified.
The surveys wildcards can be used to dynamically fill action planner variables. Conditions can be defined to provide different content based on pre-defined rules. Default fields cannot be removed and must have a value.
Action Planner data in MySight
Action planner data can be synchronized with MySight. All selected variables will be available as dimensions. The fieldsĀ date of creation,Ā put in progress atĀ andĀ closed atĀ are always available.
Import of org-structure users to People
In Panelist administration, functionality Panelist import from Employee projectĀ has been extended
to also support org-structure users. Users can be added to an existing panel group.
Hierarchy question types
New question typesĀ HierarchyĀ andĀ Hierarchy searchĀ are available on installations with the Employee module enabled. They allow browsing and selection of a unit in non-Employee projects. The meta name of the selected unit is stored in a variable. An ES project with an org-structure needs to be selected as source in the question editor.
Change Requests
New question type:Ā Blacklist email
You can use this new question type to build unsubscribe surveys with user-defined layout, text and questions. This question type extends the existing black list feature introduced in the EFS Winter 2016 release.
You can select the variable in the question editor, which stores the email address of current participant. Furthermore, you can define the question typeās behavior. Users can either be added to the global or the project based blacklist or be removed from all lists.
This new question type is only available on final pages.
Update of master data in LUA question type
By using the functionĀ setMasterDataValue (varName, var Value)Ā you can update master data of a panelist directly from the survey.
This function is only available in PA and MD project types. The function returns ātrueā on success and āfalseā on error.
X-Frame-Options: HTTP header settings in Panel and Survey
This setting controls the behavior of EFS, when embedding the Panel website or a survey in a different website. Possible choices are āDo not sendā, āDenyā, āSame originā. The default āDo not sendā does not change the existing behavior.
Panel:Ā Website > Global configuration: āSelect whether a header with X-Frame- Options should be sent to the clientā.
Survey:Ā Project properties > General options: āSelect whether a header with X- Frame-Options should be sent to the clientā.
On installations with the SMS module enabled, inĀ Options > SMS admin, there is a new functionality calledĀ SMS report.
This detailed list shows all SMS that were sent by EFS to the provider along with the initial response received from the SMS provider.
New service layer methods
employee.reports.getDefinitions: Returns all existing report definitions of employee download-platform for given project-id
employee.reports.addReport: Uploads a new report file into download-platform of a given project-id and assigns the report to the unit.
MySight field report
Aggregated field report data, grouped by days, is now available in MySight. You can use them to rebuilt the field report diagram of EFS in MySight. Filtering based on survey data is currently not possible.
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