GSCC DIET Release 7.0 

The new release of communicate cloud offers an improved campaign experience, a flexible way to format your message content and a flexible rights management.



New campaign experience

Campaign messages now make better use of screen space available to them and provide delivery information for every communication. 


Rich message formatting

Message editors for campaign messages now support rich formatting capabilities. It provides various options in the editor toolbar to edit/format text and make it simpler to create messaging within GSCC. Changes get autosaved with the option to undo them if needed. 

The toolbar options can be different depending on the type of channel selected (email/Slack, etc.) and is available for message body and notes editors. These editors also support the copy to clipboard functionality. 

The hyperlinks within the email now also generate reach data similar to a CTA reach within an email. 


Message expanded state

 There are four tabs shown when a user expands a message in the timeline. 

  • Status – Used to show message status information 

  • Properties – Includes elements like message type, delivery date, etc. 

  • Actions – Includes the actions a user can take on a particular message 

  • Notes – Includes the message title and notes 

For a message with variations there are some properties that are shared across the variations like delivery date, reminder, content, message title and notes. All variations will also have their own status, properties and actions tabs. 


Message status

 There are four different statuses that a message can have – 

  • Ready for delivery: This is the status when all the preconditions for a message to be delivered are met and it is ready for scheduled delivery. 


  • Not ready for delivery: This is the status when one or more of the conditions for a message to be delivered are not met. User will need to take some action to make the message ready for delivery else the message will not be delivered at the scheduled time. 

  • Paused: This is the state when the pause delivery toggle has been turned “ON” from the Actions tab. Users can put a message into the paused state and it will stop the message from getting delivered until the pause delivery toggle has been turned “OFF” 

  • Delivered: State when the message has been successfully delivered to the audience.  

For a recurring campaign we do not show the delivered status since there can be multiple active audiences for a message. All other statuses are present for a recurring campaign message. 


Message properties

Includes message type, audience, delivery date, reminder, and destination. 

When a message has been delivered then certain message properties i.e. type, delivery date and reminders are not modifiable. If the message has variations then variations cannot be added or modified (except for their subjects and bodies which can still be edited just as a non-variant could be) 


Actions tab

Includes the toggles to approve, pause, send and delete a message. 

For email, SMS, Slack and MS teams messages they would need to be approved in order for them to be ready for delivery. Other message types do not require approval to be sent. 

The approve toggle gets hidden if the user chooses to disable the toggle “Require approvals for messages” from the journey preferences. When this toggle is disabled all the messages for the campaign will not require approval for them to be ready for delivery. 

If the pause toggle is enabled for a message, it will not be delivered until the toggle is disabled. 

Send Now is always available for all undelivered messages in the campaign. For a delivered message it will change to Resend. 

Pressing this button will bypass the scheduled delivery time and instantly deliver the message. 

If the message delivery time has passed and the message could not be delivered for any reason, it will need to be manually sent using Send Now or rescheduled to a future date. 

Delete button removes the message from the timeline without impacting the analytics. 


Notes tab

This is where you can edit the title and notes for a message. 


Message reminders

The reminder emails to notification recipients will provide information on the message status and let them know if they need to take any actions to make the message deliverable. 

 There are two types of reminder emails for all message types (except web banners). 

There is one email for when the message will go out successfully (no action required) and one message for when there are issues preventing the message from being delivered (action required).  For web banners, the “no action required” case will continue to use the existing web banner reminder email.  The “action required” email will be used if the web banner will not go out as scheduled. 


Permissions update

In addition to owners, team members with edit permission will now also be able to manage/publish content in the Content experience. 


Send a Test

Send a test now provides users the option to send test to multiple recipients and not just the logged in user. Test emails are not trackable and should not be used to send communication to end users/audiences. 



This release adds the capability for site administrators to configure the notifications that needs to be sent for their enterprise account. 


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