EFS Release Winter 2018

EFS Release Winter 2018


Conditional language

In 360° leadership surveys, it is common practice to offer phrases and labels in different languages. Now you can offer several variants of one language (e.g. English). To do this, you assign a condition variable, define a value, specify u_isocode as the language selection variable, and check the "Assign language by ISO code" option. You proceed as follows:

  • In the questionnaire editor, you select the Language editor item and click Create language.

  • In addition to the known settings that you must make, assign a name, select the language ID and select the language from which survey messages and text elements are to be taken, you define a condition variable that is selected from u_ and p_ variables and a comparison value. A validation does not take place.

  • The operator is = and cannot be changed.

You use the area "Set language selection variable" to select the variable u_isocode and to check the option "Assign language based on ISO code", which set the desired behavior: Survey participants whose preferred language has been stored in the participant administration by means of an ISO code will not only be given the language corresponding to this code, but also the variants of the preferred language corresponding to the conditions, when the survey starts. For example, the manager who takes part in a 360° leadership survey answers the questions in an English version tailored to his needs, while team members receive the phrases tailored to their needs.

  • The prerequisite is, of course, that the corresponding phrases have been entered under "Text elements" in the Language editor.

This feature is used in personalized survey projects.

Improvement of the Dynamic answer option question type

The Manage recipient link of the Dynamic answer option question type takes you to the survey menu, where in the Error notification field you enter the person or persons who will receive an e-mail notification in the case of a newly added answer option. 

New triggers: Key phrase extraction trigger and sentiment trigger

The Key phrase extraction trigger and Sentiment trigger already introduced in the 18.3 fall release are now part of Survey and can be selected in the Questionnaire editor under the menu item "Triggers".

Key phrase extraction trigger

This trigger can use up to 20 variables to store the returned key phrases, with the last assigned variable storing all remaining key phrases as a comma separated list. The 911 user-defined question type (text variable max 65535 chars) is best suited for use with this trigger.

On the Settings tab, you set the following:

  • You assign a name and write a description.

  • You select an execution position:

    • after submitting page, before filter

    • after submitting page, after filter

    • directly

  • You tick off:

    • Also execute trigger in preview mode

    • Execute this trigger multiple times in one survey session

On the Detail configuration tab, you set the following:

  • You enter the API Key provided to you by Support

  • You enter the ISO code of the expected language.

  • You select the source variable (from which the phrase is to be taken).

  • You select the target variable that stores the keywords.

  • Under Additional variables, you select up to 20 variables that store additional key phrases.


When adding the trigger to a page in your survey it is recommended that you use a condition to check if the source text variable contains any text. If your survey uses the back-button or resumption from beginning, we recommended that you allow multiple executions of the trigger 


The sentiment analysis trigger categorizes open text feedback as negative, positive or neutral. The usage of this trigger is similar to that of the Key phrase extraction trigger. The first variable of type short text or text contains the categorization ("negative", "positive" or "neutral") and the optional variable of type float stores the classification points provided by the system. The scale of each category ranges from 0 to 1: 0 represents the most negative and 1 the most positive value of a category.

On the Settings tab, you set the following:

  • You assign a name and write a description.

  • You select an execution position:

    • after submitting page, before filter

    • after submitting page, after filter

    • directly

  • You tick off:

    • Also execute trigger in preview mode

    • Execute this trigger multiple times in one survey session

On the Detail configuration tab, you set the following:

  • You enter the API Key provided to you by Support.

  • You enter the ISO code.

  • You select the source variable from which the phrase is to be taken.

  • You select the variable that stores the sentiment.

  • You select the variable that stores the sentiment points.


To check whether feedback has been stored in the source code variable, we recommend that you set up an execution condition. This trigger also uses 20 variables (custom or from a custom 911 question type) to store the results of an analysis.

Default groups in multiple languages

You create default groups in each of the languages available in the drop-down list. You select a language by ISO code after clicking + Category, enter the title in the desired language and click Add.

  • Click path:

Libraries → Categories → Default group (Tab)

The new Ideation question type

Suggestions for improvements on chosen topics can now be easily collected in a survey by equipping it with the new Ideation matrix question type, which has a catchy input mask. Participants first enter a title in a separate line before they enter the suggestion in the user-defined text field.

Make the following settings:

  • Show counter

  • Counter pattern

  • Title label

  • Description label

  • Description row count

  • Add button

  • Remove button

  • Close button

  • Animation type on opening

  • Animation duration on opening

  • Animation type on closing

  • Animation duration on closing

Three text field are preset. If you want to add more, you must add dimensions in the configuration. Title bar and description text field each contain a v_ variable.


Leadership Guide in Portals

As of 18.4 Winter Release, you can choose between the two guide types Me and Us. The Me Guide offers you a new scenario. While you click on the Us Guide button to call up the well know Guide scenario you have been familiar with since 18.2 summer release, which will continue to be used for questioning groups or teams. You configure a 360° leadership survey by calling up the Me Guide.

You click on the Guides sub-navigation to open the new Rater-Groups tab. This tab contains the following colums that you will use you to configure a Me Guide:

  • Rater-Groups category

  • Rater-Groups label

  • Description

  • Preselected company-managed group

  • Allow removing preselected group

  • Participant minimum

  • Participant maximum

  • Optional?

  • Adding participants allowed?


The selection and configuration options of the Guide setup are based on the settings made on the Rater-Groups tab. In the following, the columns are presented from left to right using the example of the Manager category to give a brief impression of how you can proceed.

Via drop-down list, you select Manager in the column "Rater-Groups-Category". This creates the Manager step in the Guide setup of Portal's external view (sub-item of the second Guide setup step Invitation). The name and description of the Rater Group that are displayed in the Portal's exterior view are specified in the Label and Description columns. To assign a company-managed group to the Manager category you use the drop-down you'll find in the forth column. You can use the three slide switches:

  •  Allow removing preselected group

  • Optional

  • Adding partcipants allowed

The three slide buttons allow users to manage the Rater-Groups. If you allow the users to remove the groups, they can add other groups. With the slide switch of the column "Optional" you control whether the whole rater group including the selection of participants may be skipped. You allow the addition of participants with the slide switch "Adding participants allowed?". "Minimum number of participants" and "Maximum number of participants" are used to control how many participants can be added.

  • You use the following path to create company-managed groups:

People → Contacts → Groups (Portals)


You create the new Rater-Groups  category used in the Me Guide scenario under Libraries. You will find there the cagtegories: Self-Assessment, Manager, Peers and Team. These cannot be configured either. However, you can create new ones by clicking on + category and assigning a unique meta name in the first step. Then you use the ISO code to specify the language of the title you want to assign. You save.

  • You use the following path to create this categories :

Libraries → Categories → Rater-Groups categories (Tab)

In the Guide setup of the Portal's exterior view, the Invitations step is used to present the invitations to the users. A special feature that must be pointed out in this context is the company-managed groups created dynamically using a filter, since you allow users to automatically offer their own manager and their own team.

This requires a special filter setting and a special composition of the company-managed group.

Manager participation in a survey at the end of the field phase

You give managers more time!. Under the Settings tab of the Guides sub-navigation, you can now define how long after the end of the field phase the manager still has the option of answering the survey.

Self-Assessment Survey Opens in New Browser Tab

The self-assessment survey will open in a new browser tab after clicking the self-assessment button.

Storage of preferred language in u_locale master data

The preferred language of the users who have not logged in yet can now be defined by ISO code. The selected language is stored in the u_locale master data under Settings in the portal's profile.

  • After logging in, the portal is displayed in the language stored in your u_locale master data variable.

  • Under People Panelist administration → {selected panelist} → Detail view (Tab) you find the u_locale master data variable.

  • If no or a 'wrong' language has been defined, the default language of the portal is used.

The m_offlineusers master data

This feature is an enhancement of the 'Offline User Scenario', which you know from the 18.3 fall release. If you add panelists with the master data m_offlineusers = 1 in the guide setup, at the end of the guide setup process will generate a PDF that will be sent to the guide initiator containing participation vouchers. In order to mask the dummy e-mail address, this dummy e-mail address is replaced by the placeholder Offline Participant in both the participant list and the search results.

Displaying the dimensions of the matrix questions

In order to make the question text of the matrix question types accessible in the Guide setup, the names of the individual dimensions of a matrix question type are now displayed.

Sending result e-mails

Under the Settings tab of the Guides sub-navigation, you will find three radio buttons that you can use to determine to whom the result e-mail is sent automatically after a guide has been ended.

  • no one

  • everyone (manager included)

  • guide-initiator

Improvements of the Action-Board

In this winter release several new features of the Action Board are also implemented.

Moving tickets

In the detail view of the action ticket, you can now move a ticket to the adjacent columns. Under More you click on Move to "Ongoing", Move to "Inbox" or Move to "Done" depending on which column the ticket is in.

Configuring a due date by using the Portal Action Trigger

On the Detail configuration tab of the Portal Action Trigger, which you use to create an action board action by using a survey, you can now also specify a due date. The following setting options are available:

  • No expiration date

  • Duration to due date in days

  • Determination of a specific expiration date

Editing comments

You have the option of activating an editing function for both comments and replies to comments. This allows you to edit and delete comments. The delete function also removes the answered comments. Users can only edit their own comments and replies.

Improvement of the Portals notification center

In order to provide a better overview of the possible settings, you can only change the notification settings of the modules you have access to.

Question Preview in Guide Setup

Under the "Template configuration" menu item of the project properties, you can select the desired questions from the questionnaire below. These questions will be displayed in the Guide setup.

The new column of the Report list module 

The table of the Report list module has a new column in which the meta names of the focus units are listed.


Portal mails under the menu item Mail-Report

In order to get an overview of the e-mails sent via Portals, a new tab is now available in the People module. There you will find the following information:

  • mail process

  • subject

  • source

  • User

  • date

  • Total

  • queue

  • in dispatch

  • Sent

  • Rejected

  • Delivery failed

  • Not reachable

  • Canceled

To use this feature, the mail_admin_system read permissions of system mails and mail_admin_portals of portal mails must be activated.

  • Click path:

PeopleContactsMail-ReportPortals (Tab)

Closed Loop Feedback

Reading rights in CLF

To provide information as a fixed value in CLF, assign read access for the Owner, Superior, Report recipient, and Read-only user roles. This is possible for the Action Planner variables. The properties of the variables display the variables that have been set.

Privacy Assistant (GDPR)

Automatic deletion of invited panelists

In the Panel configuration of the People module you have the new menu item "Automatic deletion of invited panelists". Now you can automate the deletion of both the Tell-a-friend-panelists (module: Panel Website) and the panelists with panel status (module: Portals).

  • Tell a friend: You check the option "Delete invited panellists without reaction after" and set the number of years, months or days after which the invited panellists who did not respond to the invitation should be deleted.

  • Panelist with panel status: You check the option "Delete invited panelists without response after" and set the number of years, months or days after which the invited panelists who did not respond to the invitation should be deleted.

    • In addition, you select the panel statuses of the panelists to be deleted.

No right to export participant data

The "Participant data" option will not be available if your team does not have the right to view participant administration. Thus, you are not allowed to export the participant data. The ct42partadm right is deactivated. If the export_with_lfdn right has also been deactivated, you only have a very limited selection of functions:

  • Result data (all data, formats e.g. SPSS, CSV, Fixed Format, Microsoft Excel...)

  • Result data (open data only; optimized for splitting into quantum)

  • Project

  • SPSS macros for simplified evaluation in SPSS

  • SPSS labels (for own syntax jobs)

  • Participant and status codes

The gdpr_activities ACL right 

The gdpr_activities read permission allows you to access all GDPR activities areas: GDPR settings (Personal data flagging, Data retention period, Consent form), Flagging user, c_ and p_ , org_variables, master data and questions as personal data, Panel configuration (consent form configuration). With the gdpr_activities write permission you can execute all GDPR activities.

Export and import including DSGVO messages (Language editor)

From now on, you can also export the headings and values of the approval form and the approval message using the export in the Language editor, provided the DSGVO option has been activated.

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