Print version (Questionnaire editor)

Print version (Questionnaire editor)

For future reference, for testing or for proof-reading purposes, you may sometimes want to print the questionnaire so you can view all of the text in its entirety. EFS provides an HTML version of the questionnaire which is optimized for this kind of situation.


  • The entire contents of the questionnaire will be displayed in a neutral print design which is independent of the layout settings you selected. For EFS 9.1, the print design has been overhauled. In particular, the content is now arranged more clearly and the questions are aligned on the left hand.

  • In multilingual projects, you can specify the display language of the questionnaire.

  • Optionally, the page ID can be displayed as a clickable link: It takes you directly to

    the page view of the questionnaire editor.

  • Another optionally-displayed link (L) allows you to switch directly to the language editor.

  • Additional information such as filters or pretest comments can be displayed as well, if necessary.

The “Responsive layout” question types newly introduced from EFS 10.0 onwards are mapped to their basis question types. I.e. “Single response list with icons” and “Star rating” are displayed like a vertical single response list, the “Responsive lay- out” slider is displayed as a question type 911.

Configuring the Print Version

Please proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the menu item Projects → {Selected project} → Print version.

  2. This will prompt a new window with a printer-friendly HTML version of the questionnaire.

  3. In multilingual projects, you can specify the language and confirm your selection by clicking on Save settings.

  4. Optionally, you can select various additional information and activate their display by clicking on Save settings.

  5. Click on the Print icon.

Display Options in Detail

Optionally, you can select the following additional options and display them by clicking on Save settings.





Print options

Usually, the sections “Display options” and “Information on survey x” are not included when printing the questionnaire. If necessary, these sections may be included.

Show internal links

Optionally, the page ID can be displayed as a clickable link to the page view of the questionnaire editor. Furthermore, a link allows you to switch directly to the language editor.

Show filters / plausibility checks / triggers

The conditions are displayed.

Enable randomization of answer options

The answer options are displayed in random sequence in the print version.

Show pretest comments / to-dos

Pre test comments or to-dos are displayed.

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