The Field Report in Detail

The following table illustrates the values used in the field report.




Disposition code Anonymous Projects

Disposition code Personalized Projects




Disposition code Anonymous Projects

Disposition code Personalized Projects

Total sample: gross 1


Population (e.g. all cases in the list of participants or the number of pop- ups)

(20), 21, 22, 31, 36, 37

11, 14, 15, 12, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 41

Not yet invited

Not yet invited participants. These include the sample-neutral drop-outs counted in the total sample.


E-mail could not be delivered

Participants to whom e-mail could not be delivered. These include the sample-neutral drop-outs also coun- ted in the total sample.


Cannot be reached

Participants marked manually as not available. These include the sample- neutral drop-outs also counted in the total sample.


Rejected at login (quota closed)

Participants rejected at login. These include the sample-neutral drop-outs also counted in the total sample.


Rejected (quota clo- sed)

Rejected participants. These include the sample-neutral drop-outs also counted in the total sample.



Screened out

Screened out participants. These include the sample-neutral drop-outs also counted in the total sample.



Quota closed

Participants filtered out prior to sur- vey commencement These include the sample-neutral drop-outs also counted in the total sample.


Drop-outs neutral to the sample

Errors in the address list, addresses that do not exist (anymore), scree- ned-out participants (incl. those screened out by quotas)

The value for sample-neutral drop- outs is the sum of participants listed in the rows in this regard. These par- ticipants are counted in the overall sample but are not included in the adjusted overall sample.

36, 37

11, 14, 15, 35, 36, 37, 41

Adjusted overall sample: gross 2


Gross 2 equals gross 1 minus the sample-neutral drop-outs explained above.

(20), 21, 22, 31

12, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32


Participants with disposition code 12. These are counted in the adjusted overall sample.


Not yet started

Participants with disposition code 20 if the project is configured accor- dingly. These are counted in the adjusted overall sample.

used-defined 20

Drop-outs relevant to the sample

This includes participants who are still unknown or have not begun the survey.

This value is the sum of the partici- pants listed in the two rows above with disposition codes 12 and 20 (if set accordingly). These participants are counted in the overall sample but are not included in net participation.



Net participation


The net sample includes the comple- ted interviews as well as participants who are currently active or have interrupted the survey.

(20), 21, 22, 31

21, 22, 23, 31, 32


Participants with disposition code 31 and 32. These are counted in net participation.


31, 32

Currently responding

Participants with disposition code 21 and 23. These are counted in net participation.


21, 23


Participants with disposition code 22. These are counted in net participation.



Not yet started

Participants with disposition code 20 if the project is configured accor- dingly.

used-defined 20

Key statistics

Response rate

  • Anonymous projects: With pop-up surveys, the number of pop-up call-ups is defined in a manner comparable with the number of invitations in the case of personalized questionnaires. With banner surveys and entry via a link, it is not recommended, from a metho- dological point of view, to calculate a response rate.

  • Personalized projects:Percentage share of persons actually participating in the survey among those who were asked to participate.

Net / gross 2

Net / gross 2

Key statistics

Completion rate

The completion rate equals the share of completed interviews in the adjusted sample.

  • Anonymous projects: Ratio of the number of completely finished interviews to the number of persons who have received a pop-up window to the survey or clicked on a banner or the link to the survey (gross 2).

  • Personalized projects: Ratio of the number of completely finished interviews to the number of participants who have been invited and could be reached (gross 2).

31 / gross 2 * 100

31+32 / gross 2 * 100

Key statistics

Variable rate

The variable rate is calculated from the number of those interviews which have been completed up to the questionnaire page X that is marked with a variable page marker.

Number of parti- cipants up to page X / gross 2

Number of parti- cipants up to page X / gross 2

Key statistics

Participants per hour

The number of participants per hour is indicated

  • for all participants irrespective of their disposition code.

  • additionallyforallparticipantswho have fully completed the survey.

All and 31, 32

All and 31, 32

Key statistics

Participants per day

The number of participants per day is indicated

  • for all participants irrespective of their disposition code.

  • additionallyforallparticipantswho have fully completed the survey.

All and 31, 32

All and 31, 32

Key statistics

Participants per week

The number of participants per week is indicated

  • for all participants irrespective of their disposition code.

  • additionallyforallparticipantswho have fully completed the survey.

All and 31, 32

All and 31, 32

Key statistics

Mean processing time

The mean processing time is the mean value of the processing time for all those respondents who have completed the questionnaire without interruption; i. e. it is the sum of the processing times (variable “duration”, see Table 14.2) for all respondents with disposition code 31, divided by the number of those respondents. Participants who interrupted the survey and resumed it at a later stage (disposition code 32) will not be included.


31, 32


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