Survey Variables

The survey variables can be used to store the metadata of your survey project. This additional meta information improves data quality by providing useful context information about the respondents. A list of all survey variables used in the project and their complete characteristics can be obtained from the codebook (Documentation > Codebook), if you select Show survey variables in the Codebook.

Certain variables are only retrieved once for every participant. Thus, they will not be refreshed after a participant drops out of the survey and proceeds with it at another point. If, for example, the participant takes a survey on their desktop, then drops out and continues with it on their smartphone, the statistics will only show die participation via desktop and not via smartphone for this participant. This is true for the following variables: device_type, user_agent, participant_browser and participant_os.

Table Overview

The following table gives you an overview of the available survey variables.






Unique participation ID


Unique participation ID of an external survey (External Survey Start)


Participant = tester (yes/no)


Dispositioncode (status of the participation e.g., invited)


Page ID of the last page shown to the participant


quality of the results of a survey


Duration (time in seconds to finish the survey. If a respondent resumes the questionnaire after a break (disposition codes 23, 32), the duration is = “-1” because a meaningful calculation is not possible.)


URL parameter


User-defined variables


Project variables. The project variables are sequentially numbered for each project, beginning with v_1.


Master data variables (only in EFS Panel installations)


Host name based on the IP of the proxy (if available) via which the participant accesses the survey


IP of the proxy (if available) via which the participant accesses the survey


Browser info (name, version etc.) of the participant


If available, the address of the page on which the participant clicked the link to the currently accessed page. This value is set by the participant's browser


Type of the user’s devices (0 - desktop / 1 - mobile)


Quota ID of the participant (selected by “To which quota should the participant be allocated”


All quota ID’s of the participant


List of page ID’s in the order of the pages called up by the participant


Variable for the horizontal flip (horizontal mirroring of the answer options):

  • 0 = not flipped

  • 1 = flipped


When a participant starts a survey for the first time, hflip is always written – regardless of whether flips are activated for the survey or not. However, the participant will only see those questions flipped for which the flipping function has been explicitly activated. Consequently, all questions, for which this function was not activated, will be displayed as set in the corresponding question regardless of the random hflip value. Information on whether the flipping function has been activated for a question cannot be found in the export of the result data. To get this information, you have to manually check in the respective question, if the flipping function has been activated.


Variable for the vertical flip (vertical mirroring of the answer options):

  • 0 = not flipped

  • 1 = flipped


When a participant starts a survey for the first time, vflip is always written – regardless of whether flips are activated for the survey or not. However, the participant will only see those questions flipped for which the flipping function has been explicitly activated. Consequently, all questions, for which this function was not activated, will be displayed as set in the corresponding question regardless of the random vflip value. Information on whether the flipping function has been activated for a question cannot be found in the export of the result data. To get this information, you have to manually check in the respective question, if the flipping function has been activated.


Which layout is used? HTML layout or mobile layout?


Version of the browser’s javascript (if configured)


Version of the Flash Payer plugin (if configured)


Session ID of the participation


Participant’s language ID


Participation was modified by data cleaning


Time of survey start (absolute time stamp)


Time of the survey start


Time of the last access of the participant to the survey


Time of the first mail sent to participant

RTS (+ page ID)

Relative time stamp for each page + page ID.
RTS (+ page ID) indicates the time in seconds that has elapsed since the survey start. Using this variable, you can determine the time a participant has spent on a page. For the calculation, you must subtract the value of RTS (+Page ID) of the previous page from the value of RTS (+Page ID) of the desired page. A calculation example can be found below.



Please note, that the order of the variables "RTS (+page ID)" in the export does not necessarily correspond to the order in which the respective participant has displayed the pages.


Only in panel and master data surveys : ID of the sample that the panelists belong in.

For the SPSS export, the codes are labeled with the sample titles.


Time variables of standard pages and mixed-external pages. These indicate the time in seconds elapsed since the ats until sub- mission of the respective page.

If the PGID (page ID = installation-specific ID of a questionnaire page or a dynamic element) is bigger than 99.999, the name of the variable is changed to ts_xxx, to prevent problems caused by the length of the variable name when exporting for SPSS.


Random selection.

For each random selection block in the questionnaire, a variable rndPGID is created. PGID is the ID of the random selection element.

In this variable, the PGIDs of the selected pages are stored, separated by commas.


Random order.

For each random order block in the questionnaire, variables rnd_pg_PGID_NR are created. PGID is the ID of the random order element, NR is the number of randomized subpages.

Each of these variables contains the PGID of that subpage which has been placed on the respective position in the current cycle.

Example: The PGID of the random order element is 123, the subpages have PGID 124, 125 and 126. In the questionnaire, they are displayed to a participant in the following order: 126, 124, 125. Then, you will find the following data in the export file: r123_1 = 126, r123_2 = 124, r123_3 = 125


tic variable used in external survey start. The tic variable is always 32 characters long. This cannot be configured.


Scoring variables

Device Variables

The device variables store meta information about device manufacturer and device kind (Smartphone, Tablet, Desktop, Touchscreen-Desktop etc.), browser type and more.






browser name (e.g. „Internet Explorer“), see codebook in the project 


browser version (e.g. „9.0“), text value


operating system (e.g. „Windows“), see codebook in the project


device type

-99 Unknown
0 desktop
1 smartphone
2 tablet
3 feature phone
4 console
5 tv
6 car browser
7 smart display
8 camera
9 portable media player
10 phablet
11 smart speaker
12 wearable


device brand (e.g. „Apple“), see codebook in the project


device model (e.g. „iPhone 6“), text value



-99: unknown

0: regular user

1 to 281: the detected bot name of the search engine crawler

The new variables can be used in filters, triggers, exports, the detail view, Reporting+ and more.

The functionality “Detect participants' device type using the user-agent information” needs to be enabled in the project properties. The functionality is disabled by default.

No participant information is sent to 3rd parties, all data is stored and processed in our datacenters.

Location variables

The location variables store meta information about automatic geo-location based on the participant’s IP address (e.g. estimation of the participant’s continent, country and state)






Continent (e.g. „Europe“)

-99 Unknown
1 Anonymous Proxy
2 Satellite Provider
3 Europe
4 Asia
5 North America
6 Africa
7 Oceania
8 South America
9 Antarctica


Country (e.g. „United Kingdom“), see codebook in the project


Region (e.g. „ Lancashire”), text value


City (e.g. „Lancaster“), text value





The new variables can be used in filters, triggers, exports, the detail view, Reporting+ and more.

The functionality “Detect participants' location using the IP address” needs to be enabled in the project properties. The functionality is disabled by default.

The geo-location information is 99.8% accurate on country and continent level. The GeoIP database of Maxmind is used:

In surveys created with EFS<10.6 this meta information is not available because the device type, brand data and geo location was not collected at that time.

No participant information is sent to 3rd parties, all data is stored and processed in our datacenters.

The localization is based on the IP of the participant and the information provided by the Internet provider. The localization accurate to the city cannot be guaranteed.


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