How do I archive a survey project?
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Survey projects can be archived. To lighten the load on the database the result data of projects is compressed into a zip file and then stored in a protected area of the hard disk. This process is executed once a day during a low traffic period. After successful archivation, you will be notified by e-mail. Using the reactivation function you have the option of transferring the project with or without result data back to the project list, so that it can be edited and placed again in the field. If you delete the result data of a project from the hard drive completely, but would like to keep a backup copy for security reasons, you can download the zip file with the result data and store it locally. As long as the actual project still exists in the archive of the EFS installation, you will be able to upload the zip file again and reactivate the project with its result data. Please note, however, that the function of the zip file is merely to store the result data locally. These data can not be used to open and view the data outside of the EFS installation or for restoring a completely deleted project.
The archiving functionality is protected by the ACL right archive_project. You need read rights to archive projects and use the archive.
You can archive quantitative survey projects independent of their status, using the “Actions” drop down list in the project list.
Archiving a single project
Find the project to be archived in the project list and click on the title, in order to be taken to the Survey menu.
Click on the links in the To-do field until the Archive link is displayed.
Click on the Archive link.
In the next low traffic period, all data for the project will be backed up from the database, compressed into the downloadable zip file and then deleted from the database. The archived project with the zip file will be listed in the Archive submenu.
Archiving several projects
Search for the appropriate projects in the project list and use the “Actions” checkboxes to mark them.
Select the action “Archive projects”.
Click on the Execute button.
After a confirmation window, all data for the selected projects will be backed up from the database, compressed into downloadable zip files and then deleted from the database. The archived projects with their zip files will be listed in the Projects ->Archive menu.
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