How-to: Service Layer
EFS Service Layer, our API, allows to access EFS key functionalities from outside EFS. Thus, applications relying on EFS data and functionalities can be created outside of EFS with different technologies. The services can be called from outside via HTTPS, using SOAP or REST specifications. Various data exchange formats can be used (e.g. JSON or XML).
A list of all available EFS Service-Layer services can be found on this page.
The EFS Service Layer is available since EFS 9.1, however some installations may still have access to the older Web-Services (Options > Service-Layer > Web services). The use of Web-Services is no longer recommended, as this functionality is deprecated and will be removed soon.
Configuring the Services
A dedicated configuration menu allows viewing and configuring of the services, which are available on your EFS installation. The menu is in Options → Service-Layer. The Service-Layer menu is only available if our support team has activated usage of services for your installation. To view and access the menu, you need either read rights for the ACL right webservice_conf or membership in the root team.
The following steps are necessary to use a specific service:
Our support team has to add the service.
The service must be activated. If necessary, the button Activate all services allows activation of all available services at once.
The staff account used to access the service is allocated to a specific staff team. This staff team must have the necessary access rights to the service. Access rights to individual services can be assigned on the tab Access groups.
Furthermore, many services include a check for object rights. To use sur- vey.questionnaire.createPage or survey.questionnaire.deletePage, for example, the staff team needs write rights for the target project.
All calls are logged on the Access log tab. The entries can be searched by IP address, name of the admin account used, service name and date.
Access Modes
The service layer offers two access modes:
Description: In this modus, the service layer will describe itself. In SOAP format, for example, a WSDL will be generated and delivered. This modus allows clients to find out which services are provided and which parameters they have
Transaction: In this modus, a service method is called and executed. How you address these modes depends on the format handler used.
Format Handler
When requesting access to the EFS Service-Layer, all format handlers can be used as needed. So one of your applications could access EFS using SOAP, while another using REST, through the same token or user authentication.
Currently the service layer supports HTTPS and four handlers:
SOAP: Provides API access using the SOAP protocol.
To activate the handler, use the URL parameter "handler" with the value "soap".
The name of the invoked method is handed over in the URL parameter "method". The method name is structured as follows: MODULENAME_ACTORNAME_METHODNAME (separator: underscore, ”_”).
If the URL parameter "wsdl" is set in the request, the description mode will be triggered and a WSDL will be generated. Otherwise, the transaction mode will be used. Since the WSDL also specifies a Stylesheet, the file is also viewable in a browser.
REST: Provides REST API access, see the full list of services for REST examples.
To activate the handler, just create the REST request, as specified in the documentation or RAML file, e.g.
The content type of all requests containing a HTTP body must beapplication/json
and therefore all request bodies must be JSON encoded.To get the RAML description file, triggering the description mode, create a request to /service/ using the URL parameters "handler=rest&raml=1", e.g.
PHP-serialized: Here, the input and output parameters are transferred as serialized PHP arrays. This is the recommended approach for PHP clients.
To activate the handler, use the URL parameter "handler" with the value "php".
The name of the invoked method is handed over in the URL parameter "method". The method name is structured as follows: MODULENAME.ACTORNAME.METHODNAME (separator: periods).
If the request is an HTTP GET request, the description mode will be triggered. Otherwise, the transaction mode will be used.
JSON: Data are transferred in JSON encoding. See the example below.
To activate the handler, use the URL parameter "handler" with the value "json".
The name of the invoked method is handed over in the URL parameter "method". The method name is structured as follows: MODULENAME.ACTORNAME.METHODNAME (separator: periods)
If the request is an HTTP GET request, the description mode will be triggered. Otherwise, the transaction mode will be used.
Two authentication methods can be used:
Tokens: (recommended) Our support can provide tokens for you and your staff members. These tokens can be used for authentication when invoking a service (parameter name: "token").
Account name and password for the EFS admin area: Uses basic authentication of the HTTP protocol. The passwords are the same as for the administration area of EFS. We recommend to use tokens.
Calling the Service Description
Requesting the WSDL for SOAP access:
Requesting the RAML file for REST access:
Self-description of the PHP handler:
When accessing the service layer, you will find a dynamic list of services activated on your installation and which are accessible by the user. A list of all available services can be found on this page.
Important Parameters
These are the most important parameters:
handler: name of the format handler (soap, rest, php, json).
method: name of the called method for PHP and JSON handler.
token: contains the token for authentication.
wsdl: generates the WSDL description, if the SOAP handler is used.
raml: generates the RAML description, if REST handler is used.
Below are two examples. The first example illustrates JSON call with http authentication and the second illustrates SOAP call with http authentication.
The full EFS Service-Layer service overview provides example REST requests and responses.
Exploring available SOAP and REST services using 3rd party tools
You can easily get familiar with our EFS Service-Layer, by using 3rd party REST or SOAP clients. Two of such tools are SoapUI for SOAP requests and Postman for REST.
Filtering results with conditions
Requests with “ByCriteria” in their name have the possibility to filter results by condition. These conditions can be simple one to one comparisons and complex requests joined by an operator. All examples are based on the POST /panel/circles/listByCondition REST service, which returns a list of Portals groups (circles).
This is the easiest request, it matches the items based on a single property of the item, in this case the circleType. Please note, that condition
must be replaced with the string logicalCondition
for some services.
Possible operator
. Greater/smaller operators should only be applied to numeric values.
This request allows comparison of a property to a list of acceptable values.
The only acceptable operator
value for inComparison is IN
This type allows more complex requests, allowing two conditions (comparison, inComparison or join) to be joined by an AND
or OR
The operator
for joining two or more conditions can be AND, OR
, the individual conditions are similarly structured as their single instances. Since join is an acceptable condition, more complex structures are allowed:
List of available services
A list of all available EFS Service-Layer services can be found on this page.
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