Exchanging Files

Depending on which access rights you have been assigned by the project manager, there are different ways to access the exchange platform:

  • If you are authorized to access the admin area of EFS, you will find the exchange
    platform in the Options → File exchange menu.

  • If you are merely authorized to access EFS Secure Exchange, log in at http://www.your-domain.com/fm/.

The File exchange menu will only be displayed in the admin area if you are already a member of an existing exchange team. If you do not see the menu item although you should already be on a team, please contact the responsible project manager or the support.

The Overview of Files

After logging in at http://www.your-domain.com/fm/ or opening the File exchange menu, you will be directed to an overview of the files of all exchange teams for which you have at least read rights.

The already familiar EFS search functions allow to handle extensive file lists easily.

  • Simple search: You can enter a term or part of a term. The fields “Title”, “File name”, “Comment”, and “Author” will be searched.

  • Extended search: In addition to the keyword search you can specify status or team or narrow down the period in which the file was uploaded.

The View function for restricting the table is also available.

The following table explains the contents of the overview list in detail:

Column heading


Column heading



Date when file was stored on server.


User-defined file identification within the exchange platform.


Explanatory comment.

File Name

Actual file identification, such as example.doc.


File size. If the file is smaller than 1.024 KB, the size is stated in kilobytes, otherwise in megabytes. If the file is smaller than 1.024 bytes, the size is stated in bytes.


The staff member who uploaded the file.


If a password has been set when uploading the file, this field contains an input field where you have to enter the password before downloading the file.


Indication of status. Possible values: “Active”, “Obsolete”, “Locked”.

Team Name

Name of staff team possessing full rights to the file.

Uploading a New File

You may upload files of any format, except for PHP and HTML. The maximum possible file size of the respective installation is displayed in the import dialog. Please note that the name of the file you want to upload has to be unique; i.e. if test.doc already exists, you cannot upload a second file named test.doc.

  1. Click on the Upload new file button in the File exchange menu.


  2. Enter the title you want to use for file identification in the field “File title”.

  3. In the field “Additional password” you can optionally enter a password to protect your file against unauthorized access. If you make use of this option, an input field will be displayed in the “Security” field of the file list where the password has to be entered before downloading. Downloading is not possible without entering a password.

  4. The Browse function in the “File” field allows you to search the hard drive of your
    computer for the desired file to be uploaded.

  5. The “Comment” field may be used for entering further information on the file.

  6. Select the team you want to upload the file for from the drop-down list.

  7. Ticking the checkbox “Send info mail to team” will subsequently allow you to notify all members of the selected team of the newly available file.

  8. Click on Upload to start the upload process.

  9. If you have ticked the checkbox “Send info mail to team” in step 6, a form will now be displayed, which allows you to notify your team members (see the following chapter). Change the default text as required.

  10. If you really want to use the mail, confirm by clicking on “Yes” in the “Send info mail” field.

  11. To complete this step, click on Continue.

Notifying Team Members of New Files

When uploading a file, the info service of EFS Secure Exchange allows you to directly notify the team for which this file is intended. To do so, tick the checkbox “Send info mail to team” when you upload the file. When the upload is complete, a mail template will be displayed where you can enter a message for the team members.

  • The form is filled with a predefined mail template. this template, entitled “New upload for your exchange team”, can be opened and edited in the Libraries → Mail templates menu, but it cannot be deleted. It is not possible to select a different mail template. It is also not possible to send different language versions.

  • The following details can be entered via wildcards:
    – #team_name#: Team name
    – #filetitle#: User-defined title of the file
    – #filename#: File name
    – #filecomment#: Comment
    – #fileauthor#: Author

Downloading a File

  1. Locate the file in the file list and tick the corresponding checkbox in the “Selection” column.

  2. Select the “Download” action from the drop-down list.


  3. Click on the Execute button.

  4. The file will be transferred in a zip file. Save this file locally on your computer.

You can only download files of “active” or “obsolete” status. Locked files have to be released by their owners first. Furthermore, password-protected files can only be downloaded after entering the correct password in the appropriate text field in the “Security” column.

Changing File Status

If the uploaded files are frequently revised and replaced with new versions, assigning a file status will help you keep track.

Overview of file statuses

There are three possible file statuses to describe the degree of currentness and accessibility of a file: “Active”, “Obsolete”, “Locked”.






The file is up-to-date and may be downloaded by every team member. Its status may be changed by members holding special rights and by the author of this file.


The file is no longer up-to-date but may still be downloaded by every team member. Its status may be changed by members holding special rights and by the author of this file.


The file has been locked. The file cannot be downloaded until the status has been changed to “Active” or “Obsolete” by the user who initiated the lock.

Changing status

In order to change the status of a file, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the file by ticking the checkbox in the “Selection” column.

  2. Choose the new file status from the “Actions” drop-down list.

  3. Confirm by clicking on Execute.

Deleting a File

If you hold the requisite write rights to a file, you may delete it:

  1. Locate the file in the file list and tick the corresponding checkbox in the “Selection” column.

  2. Select the “Delete” action from the drop-down list.

  3. Click on Execute.

  4. Acknowledge the confirmation prompt by clicking on OK.

  5. The file will be deleted.

EFS always retains a backup copy of deleted files. If you wish to restore an accidentally deleted file, please contact support.


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