Survey Layout Change-Log

Responsive Layout 3.1 (EFS 24.1)

New Features and Updates

Responsive Layout 3.1 (EFS 22.2)

  • We have a new audio recorder question type.

  • Screen reader support for scaled and text question types was improved, where the context of the available options was not immediately clear to the user, by providing additional aria information.

  • Ranking question type: min/max of required answers can now be configured


Important information for users of Responsive Layouts 1 and 2 (EFS 22.1)

Hovering over the layout icon reveals the used layout version

Customers still using the outdated layout versions Responsive Layout 1, Responsive Layout 2 and custom layouts based on these two versions, are highly encouraged to migrate their projects to Responsive Layout 3.1 soon. This version receives frequent bugfixes and updates and provides the best browser support on desktops, tablets and mobile devices and your participants benefit from improved speed, usability and accessibility, when compared to the outdated versions.

Tivian plans to deprecate the Responsive Layout 1 and 2 layouts soon and remove them from EFS in one of the EFS releases in 2024. Read about our deprecation process here.

Responsive Layout 3.1 (EFS 22.1)

New Features

Your projects now can provide PDF participation receipts to your respondents. Please see the Release Notes for EFS 22.1 for full information on survey receipts.

Bugfixes and Updates

  • We have fixed an exception when using Do-Answer-Checks with the Datepicker question type (RL3, RL3.1)

  • A highlighting issue and the Max. amount of initially shown Elements setting in Hierarchy search question type in Employee projects were fixed. (RL3, RL3.1)

  • The Hotspot question type was rebuilt from scratch, as we have found issues in this question type with latest releases of iOS, which prevented iPhone users from completing this question type. This fix was applied to RL2, RL3 and RL3.1.

  • We have provided several fixes for the recently introduced "Dynamic in browser" question hiding conditions in RL3.1

  • The Block email question type was extended to support unsubscription of mobile phone numbers (RL3.1)

  • The jQuery version in Responsive Layout versions 3 and 3.1 was updated to 2.2.4-patched, which also includes security fixes from newer releases.

  • Survey projects have a "Security" tab in project properties. Settings related to security headers on this tab have influence on your scripts and custom question types. Please see the Release Notes for EFS 22.1 for full information on these new headers.

Custom Question Type Editor

  • The Cache-Hashvalue, which prevents caching of outdated source files of the custom question type, is now updated on every save of the source code.

  • The path to the uploaded resources of your question type is now provided through the resourcePath variable in smarty and javascript in RL3 and RL3.1. Also the Cache-Hashvalue can be found in the descriptionHash variable and used to prevent caching outdated resources when your question type is updated.

  • The Custom Question Type Editor now shows preview of your uploaded images in the resources tab.

Responsive Layout 3.1 (EFS 21.2)

This is the first Layout version using our new Layout Versioning feature. Jump over to the EFS 21.1 new features page to read more about it.

New questiontype: Carousel

A new questiontype based on a 311 matrix, please see new features for more details.


New layout option: Page fade-in

A new setting was added to the Standard layout editor in tab Pages, which fades the page slowly in during load by default and improves participant experience by hiding the loading process of the page.

Client side question hiding conditions

On the question level you can now define the “Hiding condition” to be of type “Client side”. This looks and works (from the configuration viewpoint) exactly like the “Standard” type of filters. The difference is that the filter is evaluated by JavaScript in the users browser and works on the currently seen page without reloads. We recommend this filter type to be used together with conditions which act on other questions on the same page.

Upload questiontype improvements

The upload questiontype now checks the MIME-type of uploaded files to prevent spoofing of filetypes.

Additionally the question type has a new setting to automatically start the camera on click of the upload button if image or video has been selected as allowed file type.

Removed Firefox word-break workaround

In the previous layout version we had a fix that was applied only to Firefox specifically, that prevented long words from overflowing its container if there was not enough space. This had the downside of always breaking inside words if they reached the end of the container. Since Firefox has fixed word wrapping, we have removed the workaround.

Custom Question Types Editor

All custom question types now have a new configuration section “Layout subrelease support”. Please test your question type and select all supported Layout versions for it here, in order to be able to use the custom question type in a newer Layout version (e.g. RL 3.1).

Changed files since Responsive Layout 3

Some template files have changed and should be checked when migrating an existing customized project to RL3.1.

  • page_main.tpl

  • include_foot_system.tpl

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