How to calculate with user-defined variables

How to calculate with user-defined variables


English | Deutsch

For projects where you want to sum variables and get the result with a user-defined variable: 

  1. Go to Project-Properties -> Survey Options -> user-defined variables -> Select number of user-defined variables 

  2.  Create a new question multi text field (143), where the user can choose different numbers for the calculation 

  3. Choose for the Input-Format only Floats allowed -> Save your changes 

  4. Go to your new page -> Triggers -> Create a recording trigger 

  5. Checkmark „Also execute trigger in preview mode“ 

  6. Go to detail configuration choose your definied-variable (c_0001) and insert in „value“ the variables to calculate with f.e. -> #v_1# + #v_2# + #v_3# (operators + - / * can be used) 

  7. Create a resultpage (Type 998 recommended) write in the question text: #c_0001# (result of the calculation will be shown) 

Hint: You can also write #v_1# #v_2# in the question text to show the values of the variables for the calulation 
F.E. „The result of your calculation #v_1# + #v_2# + #v_3# is: #c_0001#

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