Filter list
You can use the Filter list menu link to display an overview of all the filters in a specific project. The display contains the respective variables and the questions the filter refers to as well as the defined characteristics.
It is not possible to test filter conditions containing dynamic variables, as e.g. list size (list_size_listID) or Org Processor variables (e.g. org_code_structureID).
Testing Filters
Before conducting a test survey, you can test the functionality of your filters. To do so, please proceed as follows:
Open the Questionnaire editor → Filter list menu.
In the “Test” column, you can invoke the function test separately for each filter by clicking on the test tube icon.
In the filter test dialog, enter the variable characteristics for which the filter is to be triggered resp. is not to be triggered into the text fields provided. (The number of text fields depends on the number of filter variables.)
Then, click on Test to run the filter test.
Check in the newly-opened results section whether the filter is functioning as expected.
After successful end of the test, change the filter’s test status in order to mark those filters that function correctly for your further work.
After that, click on Change status to assign the respective new status to the filter.