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Highlights 2018

Leadership Guide (Portals)As of 18.4 Winter Release, you can choose between the two guide types Me and Us. The Me Guide offers you the 360° leadership scenario. Read more

Conditional language (Survey): In 360° leadership surveys, it is common practice to offer phrases and labels in different languages. Now you can offer several variants of one language (e.g. English). Read more

The new Ideation question type (Survey)Suggestions for improvements on chosen topics can now be easily collected in a survey by equipping it with the new Ideation matrix question type, which has a catchy input mask. Read more

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People selection question type (Survey): Sometimes you want to give survey respondents a quick and easy way of selecting a person from a list. This gives survey respondents direct accurate access to other people in the Panel during a survey. Read more

‘Blue collar’ worker scenario (Portals): It’s one of the biggest problems for organizations wanting to survey their employees: pretty much everyone has access to a device to respond on, but how do you get the survey invitations to people who don’t have an email address? This is what we refer to as the ‘Blue Collar’ scenario. Read more

ACL rights (Privacy Assistant/GDPR): The new gdpr_purpose_templates right, which you tick in Options under the menu item "Team rights", allows you to control access to the templates of the Consent form by assigning read and write rights. Read more

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Accordion matrix question type (Survey): This question type allows a more accessible display of matrix questions on mobile devices. In addition to making the question more accessible on mobile devices, the nature of the layout of this question types reduces the likelihood of people straight lining their answers. Read more

Guides (Portals): With our new page module Guides you are able to allow portals users to initiate a templated survey to send to specified group of people, all from the Portals interface. Read more

Multi language (Portals): A new development that will delight many of our global customers is the additional of multi-language support for our portals. In the past if you wished to have a portal available in multiple languages, you would need to create a new portal for each of the languages you wished to make available to your users. Read more

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Learn all about our release communication

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Latest Release

Our new release – EFS 24.2 – is waiting in the wings. Here you can find out all about the latest features and current improvements in advance.

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About the Release Cycle

Two times a year, Tivian updates the EFS platform and its modules. Between these two major releases, time does not stand still. Throughout the year, minor releases are released containing hotfixes and patches.

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Layout Change-Log

On this page, you’ll find all layout changes listed in a well-structured manner.

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Past Releases

This page provides you an overview of the past releases.

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Deprecation of features

Find out about our new process for deprecating features and functions. Please read the list of deprecated features carefully and migrate your projects in time before the end of the feature's life.
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Quick Guide

Learn more about the new GSCC release.

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