One of the most important tasks of a panel administrator is to check the composition of the panel regularly. The statistics features in the People → Statistics menu support you in this.
Panel data
ThePeople → Statistics → Panel overviewmenu provides an overview on the state of the panel population (“panel health”). The key data are presented on tabs.
Panelist data
This tab contains a lightweight dynamic evaluation tool allowing you to split your panelist population on the fly by any master data or system master data you want.
To make your choice, simply click on theConfigurationbutton.
You will also find a graphical representation of your results.
Please mind: Only activated panel statuses will be displayed.
Tracking information
Tracking data for the entire panel. For further information see chapter "Panel Tracking".
Panel projects and master data surveys online
Panel surveys and master data surveys that are currently in the field.
Clicking on a project title will take you to the field report for the respective project.
The results are represented graphically, too.
Completed panel projects and master data surveys
Panel surveys and master data surveys that are not active anymore and that have exceeded their field period. The list is restricted to surveys with a status change during the last 4 weeks.
Group history
Development of the group size over time. It lists all the groups that you have explicitly selected to be monitored.
Marking Groups for Better Monitoring
One of the purposes of group creation is to simplify the tracking of groups of panelists with characteristics that are important for the panel. The “Monitored groups” feature allows you to select such groups:
These groups will be specially marked in the list of groups.
Using the drop-down list “Monitored groups” in the extended search function of the list of groups, you can limit the display to the monitored groups or exclude them from the display.
The group history shows the development of the goup size over time (Breadcrumb:People → Statistics → Panel overview→ tabGroup history).
To mark a group as described above, find the desired group in thePeople → Groupsmenu and click on theEdit groupicon. This will open the dialog familiar from creating groups. Tick the checkbox “Mark group as 'monitored group'” and confirm by clicking onSave group.
Community Statistics
The Details tab in the People → Statistics → Community statistics menu provides an overview on community activities.
TheHistorytab shows the development of the various community activities over time. Using the options hidden beneath theConfigurationbutton, you can perform drilldown analyses. Possible criteria:
Panel group, website, language version.
Optionally, the activities of deleted panelists can be included in the analysis.
Type of activity: specific community contents (forum, blog, discussion, chat), section, type of community data (e.g. number of posts and average number per panelist), specific forum discussion (i.e. forum topic, if forums have been selected).
Evaluation criteria and log data in detail
The following tables provide explanations of the evaluation options and the activity data in the results display.
Evaluation criteria:
Log date from ... to
In this area, you can specify which period of time you wish to search.
Language version
The invoked language version will be logged and can be used as evaluation criterion.
Please mind that the version logged is the start language version, i.e. the language version in which the respective session is started.
Group results
The results can be grouped according to different criteria. Possible grouping criteria include, for example, year/month/day and language version.