Search and replace

Search and replace

The “Search and replace” function allows you to search the question texts, answers, and fill-in instructions of a project for a certain keyword and to optionally change the text in one step. Various small features round out this function:

  • Optional case sensitivity

  • Optional search for regular expressions

  • Searchability of default and other language versions in multilingual projects

Using Search and Replace

Search and replace is invoked via the menu item in the questionnaire view. The search text is entered in the search form. The search results will include any terms which contain the keyword (e.g. „questionnaire“ when searching for „question“). Optionally, you may also specifiy the following restrictions or criteria:

  • Page to be searched: This option allows to restrict the search to a specific questionnaire branch.

  • Survey language: By default the search is performed in the default language.

  • Search type

    • Normal search: Default setting

    • Case sensitive

  • Text type: You can, for example, restrict your search to scale titles or long variable names.

To trigger the search, click on the Search button.

The “Search and replace” function covers <img> tags used e.g. in the HTML question type to insert images, and references from image question types to
image files. When replacing texts, please ensure that no HTML elements or references to files are changed inadvertently.

Viewing the results

In the results table the results are listed, sorted by page, with the following information:

  • Type: Text type

  • This “Search and replace” dialog allows you to perform a specific search within a questionnaire branch under a particular page.

  • Content: The text of the respective question, answer option or fill-in instruction. The keyword is highlighted.

  • Replace: see below.

  • Actions:

    • Edit page: This icon allows you to call up and directly edit the respective page in the questionnaire editor.

    • Preview: Opens the respective page in the questionnaire preview.

    • Edit language elements: In multilingual projects, this icon allows you to switch to the relevant page in the Language editor.

Replacing text elements

If you wish to edit text elements centrally, first select the search results for modification in the “Replace” column. Then enter the new text element in the “Replace with” field. Your changes will be performed once you click on the Replace button.

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