Title editor

Title editor

English | Deutsch

Even though the titles of pages, questions and triggers are not displayed in the questionnaire, they do facilitate orientation in the questionnaire editor. Thus, these titles must occasionally be edited, e.g. to adjust them to a project-wide standard.

Export and import

Instead of having to click on each element individually and change it step-by-step, EFS makes it possible to export the titles of pages, questions or triggers, edit them externally and then reimport them.

  • Switch to the Questionnaire editor ā†’ Title editor menu.

  • Select the desired element titles, and specify the file type (CSV or Excel) and character set.

  • Confirm by clicking on Export.

  • Save the export file locally.

You can now open the file and enter the desired new text in the ā€œNew titleā€ column. In doing so, simply skip over the existing titles that you do not wish to change.

  • After that, you can use the Import tab to reimport the file into EFS.

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