How-to: Accessibility

The Responsive Layout 3 standard layout contains major improvements in the area of accessibility. Improvements have also been implemented to enhance the exterior view of Portals.

Accessible Surveys

The Information section informs you, whether the survey and its questions are accessible with screen readers.

All standard question types are created barrier-free, meaning that each page can be captured, structured and read by a screen reader software and be completely controlled by keyboard (via tab and arrow keys).

The green symbol placed in the info column indicates you wether the question type is barrier-free or not. The question types that are color-coded (green) are accessible. Complex question types (Hotspot, Images) are not necessarily created barrier- free, since these rely on further descriptions of the visible image by the survey creator for example.

Accessibility of Portals

PortalsĀ (exterior view) is now equipped with an accessible navigation system.Ā Improvements were made with regard to modals, confirmation dialogs, text fields, person and group search, menus and slide switches.

Modal and confirmation dialog

Modals, confirmation and delete dialogs inĀ GuidesĀ (setup), inĀ GroupsĀ and in theĀ Task listĀ received a tab index or tab order that corresponds to the order visible within the modal or dialog.Ā The tab index and the focusĀ will prevent you from jumping to the page behind the opened dialog or the modal by using the tab key.Ā The screen reader is able to detect the current position in the guide wizard and will display the corresponding information.

Text box

When a text box will be opened, the text box immediately will receive the focus.

Search for persons and groups

The results of the person and group searches will be presented by the screen reader. The search results can be accessed via keyboard and can be processed by a screen reader. If you focus on the search field, the screen reader displays that a combo box is available. The values of the list can be selected with the arrow keys and can be presented by the screen reader. This search function is available in theĀ GuidesĀ (Setup) module and theĀ Groupsmodule.


All menus (Burger Menu, User Menu, Three-Point Menu, Notification Menu and Sidebar) can be opened using the keyboard. The menu entries will be presented by the screen reader.

Slide switch

The slide switches in the user menu and in the notification menu of the user profile and in the guide setup can be operated using the keyboard.

Pop-ups and Dialogs

Further features have been implemented to improve the accessibility ofĀ Portals.Ā After opening, pop-ups and dialogs will be focused directly. If the dialog does not contain input fields but buttons, the confirmation button will be focused. If the dialog contains an input field, the first available input field will be focused. If the dialogs have no interactive elements, the main content area will be focused. Dialogs can be closed by pressing theĀ EscĀ key.


In the guide setup, a header will be displayed so that participants and groups can be read out by the screen reader. By pressing theĀ ReturnĀ key, the result of the participant and group search is directly applied.

Detail View

In the detail view of the Action Ticket, you can use theĀ TabĀ key to move from left to right and from top to bottom. The first element to focus will be theĀ CloseĀ button.


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