Internal variable name | External variable name | Description | Meaning |
lfdn | lfdn | number | Every participant to the questionnaire will be assigned a consecutive number. |
external_lfdn | external_lfdn | external lfdn | If external survey start is used, external_lfdn is used in the secondary project to store the participants’ ldfn from the primary project. You can download a dedicated documentation for external survey start in customer center. If several surveys are linked by external survey start, the variable external_lfdn will contain the lfdn of the primary project in all fol- lowing surveys. |
tester | tester | tester | Indicates whether the participant in question is a tester (not for anonymous projects), “1” being for a tester and “0” for a normal participant. |
status | discode | disposition code | The participants’ disposition code. Please mind that the disposition code is only part of the export file if the exporting user has read rights for show_dispcode. |
last_page | lastpage | last page | Indicates the last page sent by the server. I.e. if participants dropped out of a survey, this is usually the last page presented to them. |
quality | quality | quality | The respondents’ quality index. |
time_to_complete_survey | duration | time to complete survey | The duration of survey completion (in seconds), i.e. the time elapsed between the respondent’s first and last accessing of the questionnaire. The duration is computed as follows: A record is made of when the respondent first and last accessed the survey. These values can be found in the export record as the variables datetime (SPSS label: datetime of survey start) and lastaccs (SPSS label: date of last access). The difference of these two values is the time the participant took to complete the survey (duration = lastaccs - datetime). If a respondent resumes the questionnaire after a break (disposition codes 23, 32), the duration is = “-1” because a meaningful calculation is not possible. |
p_000n | p_000n | URL parameter | |
c_000n | c_000n | User-defined variables | |
v_000n | v_000n | Project variables. The project variables are sequentially numbered for each project, beginning with v_1. | |
md_000n (Only in EFS Panel installations) | md_000n | Master data variables. | |
remote_host | ext_host | external host | Indicates the domain of the computer via which the participant is connected to the Internet, if it has a domain. |
remote_addr | ip_addr | remote address | Indicates the IP address of the computer via which the participant is connected to the Internet. |
user_agent | browser | browser-id | Indicates the name of the browser in the form in which it was transferred to the EFS server. Examples can be found at http:// de.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_Agent. When filtering is done via browser types, it is advisable to use the “matches regex” condition, which is also new. |
http_referer | referer | http-referer | Indicates the Internet page from which the survey was invoked. |
device_type (From EFS 10.0 in “Responsive Layout” projects) | device_type | device type | Contains the result of the check for device type, which can optionally be performed at the beginning of the survey: Activated
Not activated: 0 |
participant_browser (For EFS 10.7 and later versions) | participant_browser | participant browser | States the browser used by the participant, e. g. Internet Explorer |
participant_browser_version (For EFS 10.7 and later versions) | participant_browser_version | participant browser version | States the participant‘s browser version, e. g. 9.0 |
participant_os (For EFS 10.7 and later versions) | participant_os | participant operating system | states the participant‘s computer‘s operating system, e. g. Windows. |
participant_device (For EFS 10.7 and later versions) | participant_device | participant device | contains result of the device type check (optional, may be performed at the start of the survey), e. g. smartphone. Refer directly to the software‘s user interface for a list of all identifiable devices. |
participant_brand (For EFS 10.7 and later versions) | participant_brand | participant brand | states brand of device used, e. g. Apple. |
participant_model (For EFS 10.7 and later versions) | participant_model | participant model | states model of device used, e. g. iPhone 6. |
participant_isbot (For EFS 10.7 and later versions) | participant_isbot | participant is (ro)bot | states whether participant is a robot or crawler. Regular participants are assigned the value 0. |
participant_continent (For EFS 10.7 and later versions) | participant_continent | participant continent | states the participant‘s current location (continent), e. g. Europe |
participant_country (For EFS 10.7 and later versions) | participant_country | participant country | states the participant‘s current location (country, e. g. Great Britain |
participant_region (For EFS 10.7 and later versions) | participant_region | participant region | states the participant‘s current location (region), e. g. Lancashire |
participant_city (For EFS 10.7 and later versions) | participant_city | participant city | states the participant‘s current location (city), e. g. Lancaster |
quota | quota | quota | Contains the ID of the allocated quota (i.e. the quota selected via allocation mode). |
quota_assignment | quota_assignment | quota_assignment | Contains the IDs of all quotas in which the respective participant has been counted. |
page_history | page_history | page history | Indicates the sequence of invoked pages. The page ID (pgid) displayed in the questionnaire editor beside the individual pages is used. The current state of questionnaire processing is minutely recorded in the page history, i.e. the variable page_history will show you the movements of the participants within the questionnaire up to the last viewed page. Please note: If a real Back button is activated in the form, and a participant leaves a page using this Back button, this page will be removed from page history. |
hflip | hflip | hflip | Variable for horizontal flipping:
vflip | vflip | vflip | Variable for vertical flipping:
javascript | javascript | jscript | Contains the result of the check for JavaScript, which can optionally be performed at the beginning of the survey:
flash | flash | flash | Contains the result of the check for the Adobe Flash plugin, which can optionally be performed at the beginning of the survey and is required for the Flash question types:
seesion_id | session_id | session id | Indicates the session ID the participant received during the survey. |
language | language | language | The language in which the respondent has seen the questionnaire. The numbers correspond to the language ID (identification number) of the languages used in the project. With the wildcard #language# you can display the language ID in the questionnaire or in templates. This is particularly important for language-dependent layouts and special programming. |
datacleaning | cleaned | datacleaning | Indicates if the individual record has been cleaned:
dt_begin | ats | absolute timestamp | Indicates the time in seconds elapsed since 01/01/1970 until the request of the first page of the questionnaire). |
dt_begin | datetime | datetime of survey start | Date and time of survey start, i.e. the invoking of the first page of the questionnaire. |
date_of_last_access | date_of_last_access | date of last access | Date and time of the last access to the survey. |
date_of_first_mail | date_of_first_mail | date of first mail | Date and time of the first invitation mail sent to the participant. The variable is used for all project types which include invitation pro- cesses, i.e. personalized projects, panel surveys and master data surveys. In anonymous projects , it is not filled. Please mind: date_of_first_access is updated upon resumption. |
sid | sample_id | sid | Only in panel and master data surveys : ID of the sample that the panelists belong in. For the SPSS export, the codes are labeled with the sample titles. |
dt_send_pag_000n | rts_000n For pgid > 99999: ts_000n | relative timestamp for page xxxx | Time variables of standard pages and mixed-external pages. These indicate the time in seconds elapsed since the ats until submission of the respective page. If the PGID (page ID = installation-specific ID of a questionnaire page or a dynamic element) is bigger than 99.999, the name of the variable is changed to ts_xxx, to prevent problems caused by the length of the variable name when exporting for SPSS. |
rnd_pg_PGID | rnd_pg_PGID | random page selection order | Random selection. For each random selection block in the questionnaire, a variable rndPGID is created. PGID is the ID of the random selection element. In this variable, the PGIDs of the selected pages are stored, separated by commas. |
rnd_pg_PGID_x | rnd_pg_PGID_x | random rotation selection order | Random order. For each random order block in the questionnaire, variables rnd_pg_PGID_NR are created. PGID is the ID of the random order element, NR is the number of randomized subpages. Each of these variables contains the PGID of that subpage which has been placed on the respective position in the current cycle. Example: The PGID of the random order element is 123, the sub-pages have PGID 124, 125 and 126. In the questionnaire, they are displayed to a participant in the following order: 126, 124, 125. Then, you will find the following data in the export file: r123_1 = 126, r123_2 = 124, r123_3 = 125 |
tic | tic | survey ticket id | tic variable used in external survey start. The tic variable is always 32 characters long. This cannot be configured. |
s_000n (From EFS 10.5) | s_000n | s_000n | Scoring variables. |