Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Live Search

Table of Contents


Language-independent configuration options



Page identifier

Page identifier: The page identifier is used to uniquely identify the page within the system, regardless of language settings. It is particularly used in the browser address bar and for internal links. Therefore it should not contain any blank spaces or special characters.

Parent page

You can change the level of the page in the page tree and in the navigation.


You can change the position of the page in the page tree and in the navigation.

Language-specific configuration options



Internal page name

Name of the page in the tree view. Can be defined individually for each language version.

Main template

Template responsible for the overall structure of the page. Usually “main_default”.

Positioning template

If several content modules have been defined for a page you can define their location with the help of the positioning template.

HTML title

The HTML titel is the name of page, which is displayed in the browser header. In addition, the HTML title is also used as a label in the website navigation for the link to this page.

Access control

You can restrict access to the page. Select one of the following options:

  • Public: All panel visitors can see the page.

  • All logged-in panelists: All logged-in panelists can see the page.

  • For logged-in panelists of a panel group only: If you choose this option, a drop-down list is displayed, from which you can select a certain panel group. Only members of the selected group can see the page.

Show in navigation

Depending on the setting the page is either shown or hidden in the navigation. The following options are available:

  • Never

  • Always

  • Only when logged in

  • Only when logged out

  • Only if access is possible

Meta keywords

Key terms under which search engines are to find the page.

URL alias

Optionally definable page name used for the URL of the page in the current language version. Language-specific adjustment of page URLs is particularly important for search engine optimization.

From EFS 10.5: Meta data (CSS classes)


TIVIAN customizing feature for Responsive layout websites.

From EFS 10.5: External link


TIVIAN customizing feature for Responsive layout websites.

From EFS 10.5: Show breadcrumb


TIVIAN customizing feature for Responsive layout websites.

Referencing Page Modules from Multiple Pages



Please note: For many page module types, referencing does not make sense. Therefore the referencing feature is only available for selected page module types. For an up-to-date list, please see the Modules from other pages tab in the editing dialog of the respective page.

Additional modules can be made available for referencing. If this is necessary, please contact QuestBack support.

Work Steps

Referencing page modules from multiple pages requires three steps:

  1. Deciding where the global page modules should be placed in the overall structure and modifying the main template accordingly

  2. Creating page modules

  3. Referencing page modules from the desired pages

Defining the Position of Global Page Modules


Referencing Page Modules from the Desired Pages

  1. Go to the page from where page modules are to be referenced.

  2. Open the Modules from other pages tab.

  3. Tick the “Select” checkboxes for those page modules that are to be displayed.

  4. Confirm by clicking on Save. A reference is now established between the page and the selected page module.

  5. Repeat these steps for all pages where the page modules are to be displayed.

A Detailed Look at Modules

This Chapter will take a detailed look at the modules used to compile panel pages.


An overwiew of the wildcards can be found here.→ → Overview of the Wildcards ← ←


Content Module: Headline + Text


The following options are available:



Standard panel „About us“ page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

About us

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.



This field contains the section headline.

About us


Enter the body text of the section in this field. E.g. you can use HTML and CSS to format the text, you can enter images or links.

Function Module: Lost Account Functionality


The “Lost account” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel “Password recover” page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview.

Lost account

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Mail template for password recovery mail

Mail template used for password delivery.

The “Password recovery” mail templates are available. Please make sure that the selected template contains all necessary wildcards.

Hint for e-mail address

Message upon successful delivery

This text is displayed once the mail has been sent.

Function Module: Master Data Category Overview


The “Master data categories list” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.

Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Master data category

You can choose from the categories created in the Panel → Master data → Master data categories menu.

You can enter an alternative label for each category.

Directory for file selection

All asset library directories of the respective panel installation are available.

Sort master data categories by

Possible criteria:

  • Defined sort order

  • Alphabetical

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Function Module: Display of Private Messages


The “Display of private messages” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.

Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Module template

Module-specific template controlling the display of the data provided by the module.

Depending on what you wish to display, you select one of the following templates:

  • func_messages_light: Message overview, e.g. on the personalized homepage.

  • func_messages: Detailed list of the received messages.

Maximum number of posts displayed

Limits the length of the display per page. Excess posts are displayed on subsequent pages.

Sort posts by date

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Function Module: Picture Upload for Panelist Profile


The following setting options are available:



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

My picture

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Allow upload of picture 1

Activates an upload form for the first image.

Allow upload of picture 2

Activates an upload form for the second image.

Maximum file size for profile pictures (in kb)

Maximum value for the image size.

Please mind: the size of the thumbnails of profile images can be changed in the Website → Panel websites → {Selected language version} menu on the Detail configuration tab

Message upon successful change

This text is displayed after successfully uploading an image.

Function Module: Chat

The “Chat” function module allows to set up chats.


The “Chat” function module provides the following setting options:



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview


Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Assigned section

All chats of the respective language version are available.

Function Module: Change Data


The following options are available:




Standard panel „Change details“ page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Change details

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Form configuration

In this field, you choose the appropriate form

Change data form

New e-mail address must be entered twice (for confirmation)?

An input field in which the new email address must be confirmed is displayed.


New password must be entered twice (for confirmation)?

An input field in which the new password must be confirmed is displayed.


Mail template for confirming change of e-mail address

The selected mail template is sent to the panelist’s new e-mail address, to validate the changes.

  • The “Standard mail” mail templates are available.

  • The data required for verification should be inserted into the mail template using wildcards. Use #mail_validation_code# to insert the actual verification code; by using #mail_validation_code_complete# you can create a complete clickable link

  • GET Paramater: validation_code

Change email confirm

Message upon successful change of data


In this field, you should enter the message to be displayed once data have been successfully changed.

Your data was changed successfully.

Function Module: Discussion


The “Discussion” function module provides the following setting options:



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview


Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Assigned section

All discussions of the respective language version are available.

Message title is optional

Activates an additional input field where the participants in the discussion can enter a subject header for their posts.

Maximum number of posts displayed

Limits the length of the display. There is no page break, excess posts are not displayed.

Sort posts by date

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Function Module: Downloads


The “Downloads” function module provides the following setting options:



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview


Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Assigned section

All download sections of the respective language version are available.

Sort order of files

Possible sorting criteria:

  • Date

  • Title

  • # Accesses

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Maximum number of files displayed

Limits the length of the display per page. Excess posts are displayed on subsequent pages.

Maximum thumbnail size (pixels)

If you want thumbnails to be displayed, specify a maximum size. If the field is left blank, no thumbnails will be displayed. Up to 300 pixels are possible.

Function Module: Change E-Mail


The “Change e-mail” function module offers the following options.




Standard panel „Change email“ page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Change email

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.

Previous e-mail address must be entered for confirmation?

An input field in which the old email address must be entered is displayed.

New e-mail address must be entered twice (for confirmation)?

An input field in which the new email address must be confirmed is displayed.

Mail template for confirming change of e-mail address

The selected mail template is sent to the panelist’s new e-mail address, to verify the changes.

  • The “Standard mail” mail templates are available.

  • The data required for verification should be inserted into the mail template using wildcards. Use #mail_validation_code# to insert the actual verification code; by using #mail_validation_code_complete# you can create a complete clickable link.

Message upon successful change

This text is displayed once the panelists have clicked on the verification link in the confirmation mail.

Function Module: FAQ List


The “FAQ list” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel „FAQ“ page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview


Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Maximum number of entries to be displayed

You can limit the length of the list to a predefined number of FAQ items. This can be particularly useful if you have entered a large number of FAQ items.

If you do not wish to limit the number of FAQ items to be displayed, enter “0” or delete the existing value.


Show FAQs from list

The FAQ list from which the items are to be included. In the standard panel, only the “main” list is available.

Sort order for items

Possible criteria:

  • Defined sort order

  • Question

  • Answer

  • Author

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Defined sort order - Ascending

Function Module: Form for Text Search in Modules


This function module allows to set up a form for text search.




Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.

Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Template for media display

In this field, you can enter the template that controls how uploaded files are output.

The field should be kept empty for text search.

Display results using

In this field, you specify the search page which is used to display the results.

Function Module: Forum

You can use the “Forum” module to embed a forum in a panel page. The module is controlled by the “func_forum” template.


The “Forum” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview


Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.

Template for media display

In this field, you can enter the template that controls how uploaded files are output.

Images are usually displayed. A download link is available for other file types.


Assigned forum

All forums for the respective language version are available.

Display mode

Available options are:

  • Chronological, newest posts on top

  • Chronological, oldest posts on top

  • Only usable in context of special programming:
    Threaded: Posts are displayed in such a way that clearly shows a hierarchy of main and side discussions. Please mind that this option requires special programming: The hierarchic display is not part of the standard scope.

Topic sort order

Using the drop-down-lists, you can define in which order the topics of a forum should be displayed on the website.

Possible criteria:

  • Topic title

  • Displayed date of creation

  • Date of last post

  • Number of posts

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Thread sort order

Using the drop-down-lists, you can define in which order the threads should be displayed.

Possible criteria:

  • Thread title

  • Number of posts

  • Date of last post

  • Date of creation

  • From EFS 10.3: Number of ratings

  • From EFS 10.3: Average rating

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

From EFS 10.3: Panelists are allowed to modify the thread-sorting

If the option is activated, the thread sorting is displayed on the website.


Maximum number of posts displayed per page

Limits the length of the display per page. Excess posts are displayed on the following pages.

From EFS 10.1: Maximum number of threads displayed per page

Limits the length of the display per page. Excess threads are displayed on the following pages.

In the external view, the pagination feature will be displayed as soon as the number of threads exceeds the limit.

Allow anonymous posts

You can permit anonymous posting.

If the feature is activated, a checkbox „Anonymous post“ will be displayed on the website. If panelists mark the respective checkbox before submitting their posts, their profiles will not be linked - even if they have explicitly activated sharing of profile data. To prevent abuse, it will of course be logged internally who authored such anonymous posts, and moderators can access this information in the admin area.


Mail template for thread subscription mail

The subscription feature is activated by selecting a mail template which contains the accompanying text for the notification.

Available are templates of the “standard mail” type.

The following wildcards can be used:

  • #subscription_title#: Title of the section

  • #subscription_post_title#: Title of the new post

  • #subscription_post_link#: Link to post

  • #subscription_unsubscribe#: Link that allows to unsubscribe

Once the feature is activated, Subscribe-/Unsubscribe links will be displayed in the forum threads.

  • When panelists have subscribed to a forum thread they will receive an e-mail notification whenever a new post has been added.

  • Panelists with panel status “inactive” (i.e. usually panelists who left the panel) will not get e-mails.

Allow editing

You can decide for yourself whether you want to allow the members of your community to subsequently edit their own forum posts. You can choose among the following options:

  • Always allow editing

  • Allow editing for 20 minutes after creation

  • Disallow editing completely

When editing is enabled, the panelists will see an Edit icon in their own posts.

Moderators and other community members can identify subsequently edited posts via the date of the last change, which is displayed in the post itself on the website and in the list of posts in the admin area.

Header for quotes

Where panelists use the “Reply w/ quote” function, the text they are replying to is displayed as a quote in their post.

In this field, you can determine whether, and if so, which information is to be displayed in the header line of the quote.

In doing so you can use the following wildcards:

  • #poster_account#: The quoted panelist’s account

  • #poster_firstname#: The quoted panelist’s first name

  • #poster_name#: The quoted panelist’s last name

  • #poster_email#: The quoted panelist’s e-mail address

  • #post_date#: Date the quoted post was created

  • #post_title#: Title of the quoted post


On #post_date# #poster_firstname# #poster_name”:

is filled with:

On January 1, 2008 John Doe wrote:

Default title of replies

When a panelist is answering to a post, a default text can be inserted as the title. In this field, you can define this text. You can use the same wildcards as in “Header for quotes”.

Style for quotes

You can decide how quotes should be displayed:

  • Display quotes with leading > symbol: Word wraps are inserted into the quoted text, each line starting with a >.

  • Display quotes in nested div elements: The quoted text will be enclosed by a div named “quote-main”. Via the CSS file (usually the “css_default” include), you can define how the quotes will be displayed.

Maximum width of thumbnails

Maximum width in pixels of the thumbnails for the images uploaded by the panelists or the moderators in Pixels.


Maximum height of thumbnails

Maximum height in pixels of the thumbnails for the uploaded images, see above.


Maximum width of scaled images

Maximum width in pixels.

Please mind: A change of this option affects only newly-uploaded images. Existing images are not modified retroactively.

Maximum height of scaled images

Maximum height in pixels, see above.

Function Module: Tell-A-Friend


The “Tell-a-friend” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel „Tell-a-friend“ page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview


Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Maximum number of campaigns displayed

You can limit the length of the list to a predefined number of campaigns. This can be particularly useful if you have a large number of campaigns.

If you do not wish to limit the number of campaigns to be displayed, enter “0” or delete the existing value.


Sort campaigns by

Possible criteria:

  • Campaign start

  • Campaign end

  • Campaign title

  • Bonus points for inviting friends

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Kampagnenstart - aufsteigend

Message displayed after successful dispatch

This text is displayed once the invitation mail has been sent.


Function Module: Contact Form


The “Contact form” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel „Contact us“ page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Contact form

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Mail sender

E-mail address from which the requests are sent. You can choose between two options:

  • You can enter a fixed e-mail address. Please make sure that the mail account actually exists on a correctly configured mail server. Otherwise the e-mails may be erroneously classified as spam.

  • Alternatively, use the wildcard #u_email# to insert the e-mail address of the panelist resp. the e-mail entered into the contact form.

Use CAPTCHA image

From EFS 10.0, you can optionally have a CAPTCHA image displayed.

  • It is displayed to all unknown visitors of the page.

  • The CAPTCHA image will never be displayed to logged-in panelists. Their contact data are dispatched with the contact mails, therefore they are usually not tempted to spam.

Please note: If you have activated CAPTCHA, visually impaired users with a screen reader can no longer register.


Message upon successful change

This text is displayed on the contact page once the mail has been sent.

We have received your email and will process it as soon as possible.

One or optionally more feedback topics and corresponding recipient address

See the following section.

Adding topics and corresponding recipients


The “Account balance” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel „Account balance“ page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Account balance

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Show entries with zero points?

If this option is enabled, entries that did not affect the account balance will be displayed as well.

Number of entries displayed/ page

Limits the length of the display per page. Excess entries are listed on the following pages.


Restrict list to entries from last x months

You can restrict the list to entries from recent months.

Sort account balance by date

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending


Function Module: Leaderboard


The “Leaderboard2” function module and the old version “Leaderboard” offer the following options.



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.

Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.

func_leaderboard2, func_leaderboard


This field contains the section headline.


Allows to restrict the leaderboard to a specific group.

Number of displayed panelists

Allows to restrict the list to a definednumber of panelists.


From EFS 10.3 with Leaderboard2: Sort by

You can choose among a variety of data, as e.g. date of entry, number of bonus points, average rating the panelist received for community content etc.

From EFS 10.3 with Leaderboard2: Sort order

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Function Module: List of External Studies


The “List of external studies” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Survey list

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Maximum number of surveys displayed

Allows to restrict the list to a definednumber of studies.


Restrict list to entries from last x months

Allows to restrict the list to a defined interval.

Sort order

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Function Module: List of Prize Draws Won


The “List of prize draws won” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel „Account balance“ page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Prize draws won

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Number of entries displayed/page

You can limit the length of the list to a predefined number of entries.

If you do not wish to limit the number of entries to be displayed, enter “0” or delete the existing value.


Restrict list to entries from last x months

You can restrict the list to winnings from recent months.

Sort winnings by date

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending


Function Module: List of Featured Panelist Blogs


The “List of featured panelist blogs” function module provides the following setting options:



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Featured blogs

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Blog section

The blogs from the selected section are available.

Sort blogs by

Possible sorting criteria:

  • Date

  • Title

  • Latest post

  • Number of posts

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Maximum number of blogs displayed

You can limit the length of the list to a specific number of blogs. These are selected according to the criteria specified above.

If you do not wish to limit the number of blogs to be displayed, enter “0” or delete the existing value.

Function Module: Quit Membership Form


The “Quit membership” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel

„Quit membership“ page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Quit membership

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Panel status after quitting membership

You can define the status to be assigned to panelists after they submit the form. The setting applies to the respective language version.

Please note: Once panelists have been assigned the status “Deleted” you will no longer be able to access their data. You should therefore structure the quitting process in such a way that you still have access to data such as the reason for quitting before the panelists are finally deleted. In the standard panel such panelists who quit their membership are assigned the status “Inactive”, for example.


Save reason for quitting in master data variable

The reason for quitting is saved in a master data item.

m_yquit: Reason for quitting panel

Message upon successful deregistration

Is displayed upon successful deregistration.

Your membership in this panel has ended.

Function Module: News

You can use the “News” function module to create panel pages specifically for news items or to incorporate news sections in panel pages. News items are maintained via a separate GUI.


The “News” function module offers the following options:



Standard panel "News"

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

News Teaser

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Maximum number of news items displayed per page

Once the maximum number has been reached there will be a line break.


Show news from list

The news list from which the news items are to be included. Those lists to which news items have been assigned are available – in the standard panel this only applies to the “main” list.


Sort news by

Possible criteria:

  • Headline

  • Content

  • Teaser

  • Author

  • Subtitle

  • Displayed date and time of publication (GMT) (shown on website)

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Function Module: Panelists Online


The “Panelists online” function module provides the following setting options:



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Panelists online

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Panelists can see themselves in the list

If this option is activated, the logged-in panelist can see himself in the list.

Maximum number of entries to be displayed

Limits the length of the display. If the number of active panelists exceeds this maximum number, those displayed depends on the sorting criteria.

Sort panelists by

Possible criteria:

  • Account name

  • First name

  • Last name

  • E-mail address

  • Country

  • The date of entry into the panel.

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Function Module: Panelist Blog


The “Panelist blog” function module provides the following setting options:



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview.


Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Template for media display

In this field, you can enter the template that controls how uploaded files are output.

Images are usually displayed. A download link is available for other file types.


Blog section

All blog sections of the respective language version are available.

Maximum number of posts displayed per page

Limits the length of the display per page. Excess posts are displayed on subsequent pages.

Mail template for thread subscription mail

The subscription feature is activated by selecting a mail template which contains the accompanying text for the notification.

Available are templates of the “standard mail” type.

The following wildcards can be used:

  • #subscription_title#: Title of the section

  • #subscription_post_title#: Title of the new post

  • #subscription_post_link#: Link to post

  • #subscription_unsubscribe#: Link that allows to unsubscribe

Once the feature is activated, Subscribe-/Unsubscribe links will be displayed in the blogs.

  • When panelists have subscribed to a blog they will receive an e-mail notification whenever a new post has been added.

  • Panelists with panel status “inactive” (i.e. usually panelists who left the panel) will not get e-mails.

Maximum width of thumbnails (in pixels)

Maximum width of the thumbnails for the images uploaded by the panelists or the moderators.


Maximum height of thumbnails (in pixels)

Maximum height of the thumbnails for the uploaded images, see above.


Maximum width of scaled images

Maximum width in pixels.

Please mind: A change of this option affects only newly-uploaded images. Existing images are not modified retroactively.

Maximum height of scaled images

Maximum height in pixels, see above.

Function Module: Change Password Facility


The “Change password facility” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel „Change password“ page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview.

Change password

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Previous password must be entered for confirmation?

The previous password must be entered again.


Message upon successful change

This text is displayed once the change has been saved.

You have changed your password successfully.

Function Module: Recover Password Functionality


The “Recover password” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel “Password recover” page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview.

Password recovery

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Mail template for password recovery mail

Mail template used for password delivery.

The “Password recovery” mail templates are available. Please make sure that the selected template contains all necessary wildcards.

Password recovery

Hint for e-mail address

Hint for security question

Message upon successful delivery

This text is displayed once the mail has been sent.

Hint for passwort

Message upon successful update

Function Module: Bonus List and Redemption



Optionally, you can allow your panelists to name an alternative recipient address for a bonus. E.g. they can name their place of employment, or the address of friends who are to receive the bonus as a present. For this purpose, the alternative address is queried via a dedicated field in the bonus redemption form, stored in context of the specific redemption process and listed in the column „Altern. recipient“ in detail view and export.

The feature requires special programming, it is not implemented in the standard panel. If you are interested, please get in touch with your QuestBack contactour support.


The “Bonus list and redemption” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel „Redeem points“ page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Redeem points

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Bonus category displayed at start

When the bonus list is opened either the entire list (All) or one of the bonus categories can be displayed. If you want a certain bonus category to be displayed at the start, you can select it here. If no category has been selected the entire list will be displayed.

Offer vouchers only from lists that still have unused voucher codes

Prevents further vouchers of a voucher bonus type from being redeemed if all available vouchers have been used.

We recommend the use of this function if you are using the option for automatic sending of vouchers.


Minimum number of points for redeeming bonuses

By entering a minimum number of points you can ensure that only panelists who have this amount of points can redeem bonuses on the respective page.

Please note that panelists with less points will then generally not be able to use the respective bonus list: No differentiation is made between new panelists and panelists who had a higher number of points in the past, but who have redeemed points in the meantime.

If you do not wish to enter a minimum number of points, enter “0” or delete the existing value.

Mail template for confirmation mail

The selected mail template will be sent to the specified recipient every time a panelist redeems bonus points. Alternatively, it may be sent to the panelists themselves to confirm the redeeming of points.

  • The “Standard mail” mail templates are available.

  • The necessary data should be inserted into the mail template using wildcards. Information on the redeeming panelist can be entered as usual via the participant variables u_000n. Information on the redeemed bonus will be displayed using the following wildcards only available for this particular function: #item_title#: Bonus title; #item_description#: Description; #item_description2#: Description 2; #item_category_title#: Bonus category title; #item_selected_amount#. Value of payment; #item_vendor#: Manufacturer

Confirmation mail recipients

In this field, specify to whom the mail template selected above is to be sent.

The following fields should be displayed for bank payments

It is up to you to decide which bank details should be used.

  • The following bank details can be used: account holder, bank code, account number, SWIFT code and IBAN. The data are stored in preconfigured database fields in the backend.

  • For PayPal, authentification can be handled based on the e-mail address. In panels which were set up with EFS 8.1 or later, the “account_holder” field can store up to 100 characters. That way, it can be used to store e-mail addresses.

  • If you want to store the entered details in master data, e.g. to use them to prefill the form for future payments, create appropriate master data (data type: text) and select these from the drop-down lists.

Validation of bank code number

You can define your own Regex check to validate the bank code.

E.g. to validate against an 1 to 10 digit sized number you can specify the following expression: ^([0-9]{1,10})$

Validation of account number

You can define your own Regex check to validate the account number.

I.e. to validate against an 1 to 10 digit sized number you can specify the following expression: ^([0-9]{1,10})$

Store entered data for bank payments in selected master data variables and use master data variables for preselection

Activate this option if you want to store the entered details and use them to prefill the form for future payments.

If you use this option, create appropriate master data (data type: text) and select these from the drop-down lists in the field “The following fields should be displayed for bank payments”.

Function Module: Send Private Messages to Panelists


The “Send private messages to panelists” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.

Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Message header is optional

If this option is activated, the panelists can leave the “Subject” field blank.

Mail template for messages

Mail template for defining the accompanying text for the e-mail.

Available are templates of the “standard mail” type.

The following wildcards can be used:

  • #sender_u_firstname#: The sender’s first name

  • #sender_u_name#: The sender’s last name

  • #message_title#: The message header

  • #message_text#: The message text

Please note that first name and name are only filled in, if the sender has made these data publicly available.

Furthermore, the address variables of the receiving panelist can be inserted via the usual wildcards.

Message from panelist to panelist

Confirmation message for message dispatch

Your message was sent.

Function Module: Profile Options


The “Profile options” function module provides the following setting options:



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Profile settings

Modul template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


The following options will be shown to panelists

In this field, you specify which profile options will be shown to the panelists. The following options are available:

  • Show profile to others

  • Address data.

  • Master data groups.

  • Two profile images.

You can define the labels for the selected options


Message upon successful change

This text is displayed after successfully changing the settings.

Function Module: Profile Search


The “Profile search” function module provides the following setting options:



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Profile search

Modul template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Profile form configuration

In this field, you select the desired form. Only forms of the “Profile” type are available.

Limit search to language version(s)

In this field, you define which panelists can be found with the search tool The following options are available:

  • Show panelists from the same language version only

  • Show panelists from all language versions of the current website

  • Show panelists from all language versions

Include panelists with the following panel statuses in results lists

Use the select box to select those statuses which it makes sense to display. In principle, you can select all panel statuses except for “deleted”.

Only show profiles if search criteria have been entered

If this option is activated, no panelists will be displayed until a panelist enters search criteria and starts a search. This means that the complete list may never be displayed.

If this option is not activated, the complete list will be displayed unless the panelists specify search criteria.

Please note: The use of this option can improve the performance of the installation. The constant opening of the complete panelist list puts unnecessary strain on the server.

Maximum number of profiles displayed per page

Limits the length of the display per page. Excess profiles are displayed on subsequent pages.


Profile sort order

Specify which variable is to be used for defining the sort order. The following variables are available:

  • Address data

  • Master data

  • penter_date: Date of entry into the panel

  • site_id

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending


Function Module: Panelist Ratings


The “Panelist ratings” function module provides the following setting options:



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Give stars

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Give stars

Number of points a panelist can award per transaction

A range of values can be defined.

Variable containing the number of remaining points of a panelist

Master data variable containing the number of points left for a panelist to award.


Variable containing the sum of points awarded by other panelists

Master data variable containing the number of points a panelist has received from other panelists.


Variable containing the number of awards a panelist has received

Master data variable containing the number of awards to a panelist, i.e. every time the panelist receives points the value of this variable is increased by 1.


Message displayed when step was successfully executed

This text is displayed after successfully awarding points.

Function Module: Quick Poll


The “Quick poll” function module offers the following options:



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Give stars

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Display quick poll

An active, existing quick poll is selected for the respective language version according to the following criteria:

  • Last created and active poll

  • Last created and active poll (without polls already answered)

  • Random selection

  • Random selection (without duplicates)

  • Random selection (without polls already answered)

  • Always use the static quick poll selected below

Please note:

  • To test the random selection of polls, you have to log out and in again. (The poll ID is stored in and read from the session.)

  • If no poll fulfills the specified criteria (e.g. because the field time has ended), the newest active poll will be displayed as default fallback.

Last created and active poll

Static quick poll

If the display option „Always use the static quick poll selected below“ has been selected, you may choose an existing active poll from this drop-down list. This poll will always be displayed.

Function Module: Registration Form


The following options are available:



Standard panel „Registration“ page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview


Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Panel status assigned during registration

You can choose which panel status you wish to assign to candidates after the registration page has been submitted.

admitted temporarily

Way of entry

Way of entry that is assigned to candidates if they do not have keys from a specific invitation campaign or tell-a-friend campaign.

The default setting is “Please select”. As long as you do not change this setting, the way of entry “Default” will be assigned.

Please select

Registration is only possible with a valid code.

When this function has been activated, only candidates who have accessed the panel via a link with a way of entry and an active key can open the registration form. The registration page is not visible to other visitors.


From EFS 10.1 for Social Insight Connect: Automatic Facebook registration (no opt-in)

Activate this option if you want new panelists to register via Facebook authentication without opt-in process.

If this option is activated, the following six fields are superfluous and will therefore be hidden (Form configuration, New e-mail address must be entered twice, New password must be entered twice, Confirm privacy policy? Use CAPTCHA image, Automatically login after successful registration).


Form configuration

In this field, you choose the appropriate form.

Registration form

New e-mail address must be entered twice (for confirmation)?

An entry field in which the new e-mail address must be confirmed is displayed.


New password must be entered twice (for confirmation)?

An entry field in which the password must be confirmed is displayed.


Confirm privacy policy?

An entry field is displayed where the candidate must expressly agree with the privacy policy.


Use CAPTCHA image

You can optionally have a CAPTCHA image displayed.

Please note: If you have activated CAPTCHA, visually impaired users with a screen reader can no longer register.


Automatically login after successful registration

Mail template for welcome mail

The selected mail template is sent to the candidate.

  • The “Welcome mail” mail templates are available.

  • The required data (e.g. a verification link, if e-mail verification is being used) should be inserted into the mail template via wildcard.

  • The data required for verification should be inserted into the mail template using wildcards. Use #mail_validation_code# to insert the actual verification code; by using #mail_validation_code_ complete# you can create a complete clickable link.

Welcome mail

Add panelist to master data survey sample

If you choose “Determine automatically”, the active master data survey will be selected. Otherwise, this must be done manually every time another master data survey is activateds.

Mail template for invitation to master data survey

The selected mail template is sent to the panelist.

  • The “Master data survey invitation mail” mail templates are available.

  • The link to the master data survey should be inserted in the mail template via wildcard

Master data invitation mail

Text on successful registration

In this field, you should enter the message to be displayed once registration was successful.

Thank you for joining the panel!

Function Module: Report Form


The “Report form” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel “Report Post” page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.

Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Report Post

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Mail sender

E-mail address from which the requests are sent. Use the wildcard #u_email# to insert the e-mail address of the panelist.

Message upon successful change

This text is displayed on the contact page once the mail has been sent.

We have received your email and will process it as soon as possible.

Feedback topic and corresponding recipient address

See Chapter "Function Module: Contact Form".

Function Module: Survey List


The “Survey list” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel „My home“ page

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.


Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Survey list

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Maximum number of surveys displayed per page

Once the maximum number has been reached there will be a line break.


Sort surveys by

Possible criteria:

  • Project title

  • Project end

  • Project start

  • Number of required participants outstanding

  • Number of bonus points

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Number of required participants outstanding - Descending

In the “To-do list” module: Maximum thumbnail size (px)

If nothing is set, thumbnails are not available.

The maximum value is 300.

Function Module: Teaser

This function module, newly introduced in EFS 10.3, allows to set up teasers for forums, blogs and discussions.




Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.

Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.



This field contains the section headline.


In this field, you specify the community content to be teasered:

  • Forum

  • Blog

  • Discussion


In this field, you select the specific forum, blog section or discussion section.

If forum or blog are selected: Element

In this field, you can specify which elements should be displayed:

  • Forums: threads or posts

  • Blogs: posts or comments

Number of elements

The number of elements should be restricted.

Sort by

Possible criteria:

  • Average rating

  • Number of ratings

  • Date of creation

Sort order

Possible sort order:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

Rating option

In this field, you can specify how unrated posts should be handled:

  • Show only rated posts

  • Show only unrated posts

  • Show all posts

  • Show unrated posts at the end


To generate clickable links into the forum, blog or discussion for the teaser, the page identifier of the target page should be inserted into this field.

Page module

To generate clickable links into the forum, blog or discussion for the teaser, the reference name of the template on the target page should be inserted into this field.

Function Module: Search for Text in Modules


This function module allows to set up a search page with search form and results list.




Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.

Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Template for media display

In this field, you can enter the template that controls how uploaded files are output.

The field should be kept empty for text search.

Modules available in search

In the drop-down list, you can select the content types which should be covered by search.

The content types selected in the menu Global configuration are available. A further restiction in this module is specific to this module.

Maximum number of search results

Maximum number of results to be displayed in the “All results” list per content type.

Maximum number of search results in summary

Maximum number of results to be displayed in the summary per content type.

Function Module: To-do List


The “Random file selection” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.

Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


File selection type

Available options are:

  • Random selection (once per session)

  • Random selection (on each request)

Random selection (once per session)

Directory for file selection

All asset library directories of the respective panel installation are available.

Permitted file types

Available options are:

  • gif

  • png

  • jpeg

  • jpg

  • swf

  • css

Maximum number of files to be picked

If you do not wish to limit the number of files, enter “0” or delete the existing value.

Function Module: Random Number Draw


The “Random number draw” function module offers the following options.



Standard panel

Reference name for template

Name that can be used to trigger the module in positioning templates.

Page module title

Name of the module in the page’s module overview

Module template

Module-specific template that controls how data provided by the module are displayed.


Random number generation type

Available options are:

  • Random selection (once per session)

  • Random selection (on each request)

Random selection (once per session)

Maximum random value (default value: 100)

If you do not enter anything the default value 100 will be set.