Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Report filter menu and filter dialog share largely the same structure.




In standard configuration, the header sections of all tables and charts of the report will show the respective base. In this field you can change the default label.

Condition editor

The condition editor familiar from the questionnaire editor. The condition will be applied to the entire report or - in the case of filters - to the respective report section.

Please note that EFS Reporting+ does not support all operators which are available in the questionnaire editor.

  • The following operators are available: equal, greater, greater equal, less equal, less, unequal, contains, matches regex.

  • The following operators are not available: contains any, in, in or below, in branch.

If a questionnaire filter contains one of these unsupported operators, the condition will be blank after transfer into EFS Reporting+.

Only in the report filter: Use test data in the workpad

In order to speed up the work process, you may optionally display predefined test data in the workpad instead of the actual live data.

Anonymity limit

Optionally, you can define an anonymity limit for the entire report or - in the case of filters - for a specific report section.

  • By default the drag-and-drop list is preset at “0”, i.e., all results will be displayed.

Disposition codes

The base can be limited via the disposition code.

  • Usually, only data from participants who completed the questionnaire are used. Therefore, only the disposition codes 31 and 32 are activated.

  • To display rarely used disposition codes as e.g. 15 = not available, use the more icon.

Date of participation

The base can be limited to participants who participated within a particular period.

The feature can be used to restrict the base for the complete report as well.

Using Test Data Instead of Live Data


  • The split dimensions (table headers) do not have to be configured for each contingency table individually. Like filters, they are prepared in the sources window and then placed at the desired position in the report.

  • The structure of split dimensions can be defined easily via drag-and-drop.

  • Contingency tables can be up to three dimensions deep (i.e., a maximum of three variables can be nested within one split dimension) and contain a maximum of twentyfive (25) columns.


The first of these 25 columns already contains the answer option. So you can only create 24 categories (or codes or dimensions).

  • Please note that the choice of chart types available for contingency tables is limited to column charts.
