Additionally remainder rule activated: ‘For reasons of anonymity, the return is not shown until a minimum of 5 is reached. Furthermore, the sum of the return of hidden parallel units also has to reach the minimum return. As long as this is not the case, the unit with the next higher return is also hidden.’
If the sum of the return of three hidden units is < 5 (e.g. all of these three units consist of only one participant; sum = 3), at least one other parallel unit (always the unit with the next higher return) will also be hidden, until the sum of the hidden returns is ≥ 5.
If disabled, accumulated returns (for units with subunits) will be shown, even if the direct return is hidden. Under certain conditions, this may cause that Directs can counted back from Parent Units.
Suppress accumulated return disabled
The direct return for the XY-Unit is hidden due to the anonymity criterion. The sum of the accumulated returns of all sub-units add up to: